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UNDERCONSTRUCTION!!! This site is Growing still, so hang in there!

All About Me

Voice ur self!

The latest info...

Read this before you move on!

What the hell is this?

This is a site to post things that i want to share, i kn its a long address but hey, u think ME of all people are going to pay for sumthing i dont have too? lol, ok, so what will i have here? well just sum pics i think are cool, and music, and maybe my journal from diaryland,..., mainly shit i'd like to share with people, un edited shit, as u can tell in the vocabulary used. I kn, sum of you may be adults in my life, and i gave you this address, well thats cuz i really wanted you to kn the "un-edited" me that most of yall at school kn. and for those at shcool who are looking at this, please read all of the stuff here with and "open mind" (wow, i kn, big concept, lol)

but i just started this site, so give me time, i promise(and hope) to have this web site thing down pat, lol, ok, well click around maybe u'll learn a thing or two about me u didn't kn, i update this site at the least every month, other wise every week or so, so like keep checking back to see what other new stuff i've added, i'll try to update it weekly, allrighty, i've put you to sleep enough, ur free to go and explore this strange place.

also, the reson i release all this information in a website is because we ALL kn that it is MUCH easier to write to sum one than it is to say sumthing, and that is why i did this, cuz sum of theses things would just make for a hard convo, but have fun!! ok :)

Song playin Be:
"All Things" By Wild Life (theme to the show "Queer Eye for the Stright Guy")