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3A Films

3/3/06: The New Site Is Up!!!

Long awaited, heavily anticipated... and doper than before- peep the new 3aFilms site with all sorts of goodies!!

3/4/06: Some May Say, 'How is that even possible??'

Chris Ingham has had a sufficient amount of board/health problems within the past two weeks...suffering 3 broken snowboards, a sprained elbow and a sprained ankle...ouch!

New Footage= New Teasers... or so we hope

So 3A Films has been relatively hard at work over the past month and a half, both riding and filming like madmen. We plan to have some sort of videographical imagery for your viewing pleasure ASAP.

Other Random Noteables

-Cole Martin Wins Compy at Whaleback with some hefty 5050 massacres.

-John Ingham threw down at the Forum BroDown at Loon Mt.

-Mark 'Chink' Kusek tripped out to Jackson Hole and shralped the nectar goodiness

-Pleines is working on our flash site, its looking dope, so prepare yourself because its wild!

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