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Careers- Web Design

JOB DESCRIPTION A Web designer creates the web pages we look at everday when cheaking our emails, or doing any thing this else on the net. But its not all that easy all the things we look at on a web page are in codes. These codes are also refered as computer languages. Using these computer languages (numbers and formulas), they take information we would understand, and code it. The codes tell ur computer what it is sapposed to do. Web developers often freelance, they have to take over the role of project manager from the outset. They are part-technical expert and part-salesperson. They are quite frequently their own designers as well. WORKING CONDITIONS A web designer is going to spend most of their time infront of a computer coding informaiton. Like any job there can be some injurys: suffer back, neck, wrist or eyestrain; These are all caused by sitting infront of a computer too long. Most web Deisgners take many breaks, and work there own hours. EARNINGS Beginning Web developers can earn about $20,000 to $65,000 a year. Those with experience can earn about $35,000 to $80,000 a year. Developers who become project managers or directors of departments can earn about $50,000 to $150,000 a year. EDUCATION There is really no need for any education as long as you can code a computer you are fine. Although some employers would like some formal training. They recommend you keep up in your highschool math and computers and possibly some post-secondary courses in computer science. But mostly they are looking for people who are up todate with the fast changing web technologies and applications. Extra Web Design seems to be a really interesting career and very challanging. Men and Women who want to persue this career would have to have alot of knowledge about technology, and know all about many types of people.

For more help on web design

How to be a Web Designer
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