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Steph's World
December 17, 2004
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: eep
German cookies, or "Kekse" as they say, i think, we made some in german class, we meaning me & Jess, they tasted okay to start with, but they got worser, i had one, which tasted okay but then there were left overs, the cookies were not as go0d as i thought they would be, not as go0d as last years...

dunt go to my shop if ur a free loader!

Entry made by Steph at 15:22 EADT
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Mood:  loud
Topic: Hot-whew
it's gonna be so0o0o0o kewl!! i'm having a parte wit all moi fwiendz! so0o0o0 kewl!! i want kake! all i n33d ta do0 is bring so0me chips! how easy? kant wait...dfftg drfcg vh drftcghfc vc,
etrtruj.. sry, im so0o0o0 excited! its a last-day-of-skewl-parte! it's so0o00 much foon ta go0 on pates wit fwiends! i might sweep ova der to00! but i dunt wanna coz these so0pid peeps have po0t moi on hold for friken 2 hourz, i'm hanging up on dem *click* demn it, i aitnt wastin moi time on dem! well, i dunt reale have much more ta talk about so, just for da sto0pid peeps, i'll put on of those Maquees that go on 4eva..

hello, im **** & im 30 years old, well, not really, did you knwo... wait, you're probobly to0 dumb ta talk to moi, wat? you wanna listen?? okay! well, what's on da news taday? Europe Invites Turkey to Hold Membership Talks Next October

Published: December 17, 2004

RUSSELS, Dec. 16 - Despite widespread public opposition, the European Union's political leaders said late Thursday that Turkey had made sufficient progress in political and economic reforms and should be invited to start talks next year toward joining the union.

The 25 prime ministers and presidents suggested Oct. 3, 2005, as the starting date for talks on Turkey's joining the union, and sent the offer to Prime Minister Recip Tayyip Erdogan, whose aides said he would review the leaders' proposal through the night.


Earlier, speaking as much to the anxious Turkish public as to Europe's hesitant politicians, Mr. Erdogan threatened to turn down a European Union offer that did not provide a precise date for such talks and said the objective of the talks would be Turkey's full membership.

The first demand was satisfied. But as the Turkish delegation settled in for a long night of deliberations over whether to accept the offer or bargain for better terms, it was not clear whether they had a commitment on the second part.

Several European leaders, among them President Jacques Chirac of France, have taken a political risk in supporting talks with Turkey about joining the European Union. They have sought to calm their constituents by pledging publicly that Turkey's membership would ultimately be put to Europe's voters to decide.

The Dutch prime minister, Jan Peter Balkenende, whose country now holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, said European leaders had not finished drafting stipulations that would be attached to the offer and which could cause further disputes with Turkey.

Some countries have said they want to make clear that they might restrict the flow of Turkish workers or farm products into Europe in the future, even if Turkey gains entry to the union.

"We did not talk about the issue of safeguards tonight," Mr. Balkenende said at a late news conference. "Tomorrow we have discussions on that."

The European leaders appeared to have gone to great lengths to satisfy Turkish concerns on the issue of Cyprus, a European Union member since May.

The island has been divided along ethnic lines since a 1974 Turkish invasion to halt a Greek Cypriot attempt to unite with Greece. Only Turkey, however, recognizes the self-proclaimed independent Turkish Cypriot government.

Cyprus's president, Tassos Papadopolous, has not ruled out using a veto to block Turkey's aspiration to join the European Union unless the Turks recognize his administration as the legitimate Cypriot government. The European leaders said they have told Turkey that it must do as the Cypriots demand, but not necessarily immediately.
WHAT'S THAT? YOU WANT MORE?? *sigh.. OKAY!The South Australian government has ordered that the shark responsible for yesterday's fatal attack on a teenager at Adelaide's West Beach be killed, following the discovery of human remains today.

A five-metre great white shark has been blamed for killing Nick Peterson, 18, taken as he rode on a surfboard behind a boat off the popular metropolitan beach yesterday afternoon.

Great whites are a protected species, but Acting Premier Kevin Foley said today the government was of the view that any large shark close to shore that posed a threat to the public should be destroyed.

"The government's position is quite clear," Mr Foley said.

"Any large shark, in close proximity to the beaches of our state, particularly the city of Adelaide, should be destroyed.

"Officers are authorised to take whatever necessary action to ensure the destruction of a shark posing risk."

A large shark believed to be the one responsible for the attack was sighted off Adelaide beaches this morning.

Earlier today, human remains were found in waters off Adelaide as the search continued for the great white shark.

Nick Peterson, from South Australia's Yorke Peninsula but who was living in Adelaide, was grabbed by the arm and pulled underwater as he was riding a surfboard behind a boat at popular West Beach yesterday afternoon.

Authorities now believe only one great white was involved in the attack after initially being told two sharks had grabbed Mr Peterson.

SA Sea Rescue Squadron spokesman Fraser Bell said the two sightings of the shark today were made at 6.15am (CDT) and 8.20am off the coast of the adjoining suburbs of Henley Beach and Grange.

Mr Bell said a police rescue boat today also picked up what were believed to be human remains.

"There has been a report that a police rescue boat picked up a small human remain, but we have not quite confirmed that yet," Mr Bell said.

He said the shark was believed to be about five metres long and had been in the area for past two or three weeks.

"We are assuming it was one, the one which we have seen here for the past few weeks," he said.

"It's my belief that there was only one involved but the lads were so traumatised that they might have thought there was another one."

Three 16-year-old friends of Mr Peterson witnessed the frenzied attack about 300 metres offshore.

At dawn today about 30 boats began a search of the coast for the shark and for any signs of the dead man's body.

"Conditions are excellent, which is why I believe this shark is still so close," Mr Bell said.

Victim ... Nick Peterson, 18.
Photo:David Mariuz
"Conditions are glassy flat and normally that's when you get them close in.

"But one of that size that we are dealing with at the moment is very, very rare, especially along the metropolitan beaches of Adelaide."

About half a dozen teenage friends of Mr Peterson gathered on West Beach this morning to pay their respects to the former Sacred Heart College student who had been working as a paver.

With temperatures in Adelaide today forecast to reach 35 degrees celsius, police stopped short of closing metropolitan beaches but instead issued warnings for beachgoers to consider their own safety.

But organisers of a youth sailing regatta off the Adelaide coast today and an open water swim scheduled for Sunday were expected to cancel the events.
enogh for ya?

Entry made by Steph at 15:08 EADT
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Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Hot-whew

well, today was almost loik every other day.. kind of, except a HUGE thing that made to0day different, twas da last day of skewl! da last day of primary skewl 4eva! & what made it different for me? well, i didunt go0 to0 skewl to0day! so it makes yesterday da last day.. no, naw i didunt play ho0ky or wagG or pretened to be sick, i..just stayed home.. it was so0o0o0 hot to0day, gawsh, whew. the family & i went for a drive to0day, we went to0 a statue shop & a.. erm, Mcdonalds, we reale wanted hungry jax, but loik, we drove past 4 Mcers, so0 we went to0 da 5th ^^! we then wet home afta dat & here yi am!

Entry made by Steph at 14:29 EADT
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