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Saturday, 2 October 2004
Now Playing: computer games
Topic: Anything
today started out like ALMOST every other day, except me & my sister slept in until 10:00am & my perants were out having a gararge sale... everything was really boring this morning except for the fact that we had to keep the dog inside cos she would have escaped the backyard during the garage sale.Yeh, we sold EVERYTHING! someone bought an old matress that we were going to throw out because it belonged to someone ((NOT ME)) that used to wet the bed.*yawn* i was on the ham-ham rivals forum for most of the day, i really had nothing ta do. it was SOO HOT taday, i asked my mum if i could go to the park with my sis to have a water fight, but once again she had stuff ta do, so she said"TOMORROW" hopfully we can go to the park as a family tomorrow, including our puppy, lisa.peh, what can u do? it's the last day of the holidays tamarrowskool, i dunt like it, too much ta do & nya, Danielle is in my class, but she doesn't scare me!i'll show her! anyways, there would only be ONE good point about going back ta skool, my pals!
ANYWAYS on another topic, i just joined ANOTHER forum, this one kills my eyes, i'm not sure how friendly the ppls there are aw anything cos leik i said, i just joined...peh, anyways,((i just keep saying that))it's 5:49pm right now & yeh, back to the rest of my day..well, after maybe at 12:00 taday i was stuck on the computer looking for HTMLs to get a cursor, srry, AN ANIMATED cursor onto my site. it was hard work, ya know? &^ then i went outside with my sister, & we were just skipping with our skipping ropes, great fun! OH YEAH & after that i came inside & e-mailed my friend, Misty93/Samantha & i also sent this completly ???((hard to discribe)) email to this idiot that won't leave me alone, xDD she hasn't replyed, probobly speachless after what i said XDD... her problem now! gee that girl would-not leave me alone!x_x dumb ppls always end uo no where in life.......
i think i better go now, ~bye~

Posted by Steph at 7:31 PM NZT
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