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an avatar i made
comming out soon, i hope
great, you should join!
my jerky friend(s)
my kitteh
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Sunday, 12 December 2004
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: ham-ham rivals game
Topic: hhr
Well, that's all for me, i'm leaving the ham-ham rivals for 2 weeks, *sigh... darn heatman x i dunt like im at all c'ya

Posted by Steph at 4:58 PM EADT
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Tuesday, 26 October 2004
Hhk, it be back up
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Something stupid
YAY! the Hhk is back u[ again, but that doesn't make it a good thing.... Umm, the Hhk used to be perverted, but it doesn't mean it'll happen again, i hope..;-; just pray it doesn't..


Posted by Steph at 9:12 PM NZT
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Saturday, 2 October 2004
feed back on turkish restront
Topic: yuck-e
YUCK! the food at the turkish restront tasted terrible! only one way to discribe it:blah!xDD

Posted by Steph at 7:45 PM NZT
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Now Playing: computer games
Topic: Anything
today started out like ALMOST every other day, except me & my sister slept in until 10:00am & my perants were out having a gararge sale... everything was really boring this morning except for the fact that we had to keep the dog inside cos she would have escaped the backyard during the garage sale.Yeh, we sold EVERYTHING! someone bought an old matress that we were going to throw out because it belonged to someone ((NOT ME)) that used to wet the bed.*yawn* i was on the ham-ham rivals forum for most of the day, i really had nothing ta do. it was SOO HOT taday, i asked my mum if i could go to the park with my sis to have a water fight, but once again she had stuff ta do, so she said"TOMORROW" hopfully we can go to the park as a family tomorrow, including our puppy, lisa.peh, what can u do? it's the last day of the holidays tamarrowskool, i dunt like it, too much ta do & nya, Danielle is in my class, but she doesn't scare me!i'll show her! anyways, there would only be ONE good point about going back ta skool, my pals!
ANYWAYS on another topic, i just joined ANOTHER forum, this one kills my eyes, i'm not sure how friendly the ppls there are aw anything cos leik i said, i just joined...peh, anyways,((i just keep saying that))it's 5:49pm right now & yeh, back to the rest of my day..well, after maybe at 12:00 taday i was stuck on the computer looking for HTMLs to get a cursor, srry, AN ANIMATED cursor onto my site. it was hard work, ya know? &^ then i went outside with my sister, & we were just skipping with our skipping ropes, great fun! OH YEAH & after that i came inside & e-mailed my friend, Misty93/Samantha & i also sent this completly ???((hard to discribe)) email to this idiot that won't leave me alone, xDD she hasn't replyed, probobly speachless after what i said XDD... her problem now! gee that girl would-not leave me alone!x_x dumb ppls always end uo no where in life.......
i think i better go now, ~bye~

Posted by Steph at 7:31 PM NZT
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Friday, 1 October 2004
Mood:  loud
Topic: Anything
hiya!!0.0 it's been a while since i've written XDDD,well..i didn't do too much taday, usual, i edited my site (( i made a new entry in my blog, i went to the hhr forums (( & i'm going to feed my neopets soon!OH! I ALMOST FORGOT! i'm going to a turkish restront! yah! FWAH! yay! can't wait!! owowowo!! ^.^ ahem. *coughs* i've got nothing to say, but i WANNA keep writing..I KNOW!! here is a map fan-fic i did in the HHR, ((all smilies belong to hhr)) ENJOY!! well, i'll c u l8er


Posted by Steph at 4:51 PM NZT
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an avy i made
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: an avatar i made
lookie!! a edited a cute avatar for myself in the hhr!!! cute,no? i love it!!
i got it off the avatar gallary, i'm Black kat, yosh??

Posted by Steph at 3:43 PM NZT
Updated: Friday, 1 October 2004 3:47 PM NZT
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Topic: my kitteh
yesh!! i found out my mum's pal has a kat that's had kittehs! they're black with little white paws & white on the chin!! i can't wait! still thinking of a name though.. ;_; still can't wait!! 0.0 it's October 1st & i have put new stuff on my site!!! ribon-chan paradise staring hamtaro, last month was bijou version love, this month hamtaro, version orange! next month will be Cappy, version cute, the rest you'll need to wait for!!
yay, my mum bought me some hamtaro figurines from ebay, & they came in the mail yesterday!!!!! i now have 120 hamtaro figurines!!
c ya l8er ****~~~~....:::Black Kat:::....~~~~****

Posted by Steph at 3:37 PM NZT
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Friday, 24 September 2004
hamtaro games
Mood:  special
Topic: comming out soon, i hope

My mum said i can get hamtaro ham-ham games!! yay, wow!! so excited..well at least I WAS, it meant to come out in July in Australia, but it's WAY past that now..i'm worried if it never comes out ;_;..i've got hhhb (ham-ham heart break) but i've won that already, trust me, you have to suspect the stupidest things to win the game! ^____^, it's good though, i would rate it a nine cos..etc..
i wish i had some screen shots/pictures/sprites....i'm gonna try to download at least one hamtaro game onto my computer, i'll maybe look for hamtaro, rainbow rescue!! YEH!! THAT'S A REALLY GOOD ONE!!!!i hope i can get it....i will beg my mum to buy it for me, maybe for's comming up soon...i will beg her to get it off e-bay!!! if she says no, i will ask my dad, he says yes to ALMOST anything.....well actually...not really....OR MAYBE Ham-ham rivals!!!!!!!!!! i heard the game is really good, i want a hamtaro game ;_; i'm not chucking a tantram..if that's what you think..<-----------> i'm not spoilt, i just get alot of stuff for birthdays, Christmas etc....
the kat is gonna be an anniversary pressie for my mum & dad...except it'll be mine xp..whatever..
i can't wait!! i want a game mainly cos it teaches me alot of hamchat, kushi-kushi, hif-hif, hamha etc. it's real fun!!! i love to collect ham-chat on hhhb! well....gotta go -_-; BYE-QS!!

Posted by Steph at 9:54 PM NZT
Updated: Friday, 24 September 2004 10:18 PM NZT
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Thursday, 23 September 2004
txt smilies
Mood:  lazy
Topic: about

here is an excample of a sentence with a txt smiley

EVERYBODY DANCE NOW! -------->^__^<----------right here, a txt smiley, well...that's what i call it, it's really the only way to tell the difference between & XDD, are some txt smilies: 6_6 ^_^ '_' -_-; -_- ^_^; '_';x_x x_x; 6_6; XDD xp =p =D ect. you know what i mean...please reply to this topic...

Posted by Steph at 8:00 PM NZT
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ham-ham rivals forum!
Now Playing: nothing i guess
Topic: great, you should join! should join the hhr! i like it better than the hhk.. REALLY GOOD, ohnest!! everyonice & they make you feel welcome when you're new, they never call you a n00b & you never get called a n00b, tripple/double posting isn't allowed, but trainer abu & bijou (the admins) are real nice about it, & they treat everyone speical too, but then again everybody does that..
hardly anyone gets banned and there really is no need for it either, except for these ppls that post terrible things *thunder struck* OW! BUT,BUTBUTUBUTBUTUBUTUUUUTTTTT, IT'S O.K NOW COS Trainer abu cleaned it up & the place is all friendly....JUST LIKE B4 6_6..adorable smilies & everything! JUST DON'T TAKE THEM,..also they have adorable buttons & no swearing..

join 2day!!!!

P.S i was no sent to advertise....

Posted by Steph at 6:40 PM NZT
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