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Stephanie's E-Journal
My extraordinarily boring life

« z » Monday, May 31

My day off
Today was Memorial Day. Interestingly enough, I had the day off, and I got paid for it. So instead of doing something productive with my time, I watched Eddie Izzard and Harry Potter and took four naps. Very good day overall.

« z » Tuesday, June 1

And now, for your enjoyment, a pancake mouse.

« z » Wednesday, June 3

Today was vastly boring. Although, I did uncover a large government conspiracy to exterminate all of the ground squirrels in Wyoming. I have been noticing that there are quite a few dead animals lying on the side of the road lately. Today, on my way home from work, I decided to count them. There were 17 dead ground squirrels on the four-mile stretch from my job to my home. This is a cumulative net of 4.25 dead squirrels per mile. This can't be a coincidence. Ground squirrels have been our friends and allies for many decades. We must work to prevent this merciless slaughter.

« z » June 14th

Lost in Space (or Denver, whichever is closer)
So, this weekend, Sara and I went to Denver. It was amazingly fun. We went to the zoo and the botanical gardens. Elitch's is fun as well.

« z » Tuesday, June 29

So, Sara and I got a puppy. We named her Hermione because we are both fans of Harry Potter. Also, we didn't want to name her spot or shadow because (no offense to people who name their dogs that) they are stupid names. One question that was posed to me was whether I had ever heard the name Hermione before Harry Potter. I hadn't. It's very weird. Fun name though. Gotta go, Shaun and I are gonna play Jumanji. Hope I don't get stuck in a jungle(I don't like snakes). Love to you all.

« z » Sunday, July 18

Vancouver, WA
Today, I woke up at my dad's house. We drove straight through from Casper to Vancouver. I slept most of the way, for the same reason I do most things, because I can.

« z » Monday, July 6

So, today I worked at the cash registers. It was more fun than usual. Everyone was suspiciously nice. I think that they were handing out valium at the door. You can't trust those door greeters, I've been telling management this for years. Noone ever listens to me. :-( Oh well. I tried telling everyone that came through my line that tomorrow is my birthday in hopes that they would buy me a present, but no one did. I guess I'll go take a nap now. Napping cheers me up. Anyway, I never posted a picture of our trip to Denver, so here's one.

« z » Saturday, July 10

I was watching VH1 today and I realized that I never had a furby. I must have been a very deprived child. I wonder what other trends, fads, or toys that I wasn't privy to. I feel like I've been lied to all my life. I want a furby *sob*.

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