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i love my family
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All that matters!
Friday, 18 February 2005
Mood:  lucky

Posted by crazy3/beentheredonethat at 2:26 AM EST
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Mood:  lucky

Posted by crazy3/beentheredonethat at 2:16 AM EST
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Mood:  lucky

Posted by crazy3/beentheredonethat at 2:15 AM EST
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Fake Azz people!!!
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Fake!
DONT YOU HATE FAKE PEOPLE!?!?! Bitches who are fake? Guys who think they're pimps? Little kids who think they're thugs?? Why cant people be real??? Be themselves... The place I live you can't walk outside with Red on because the crypts will try to shoot ya. You can't wear Orange and blue or the bloods will.. What the hell? than outside the gate if you're a guy you got some bitch comin up to ya wanting to take money for sex, what the hell? then if you're a chik, f@%k it some guy who thinks hes a pimp is going to try to pick u up. What happened to civilized people? Worst of all rich bitch hoes coming up in the projects wantin drugs... come on girl you're only 16 you cant even buy ciggerettes and you wanna smoke what?????? A 15 year old boy got shot by my apartments he was a blood and representin', come on he was 15!!!! He couldn't even drive yet!Deepest apologies to the family, I'm sorry something like that happened.. Why can't people just be real????

Posted by crazy3/beentheredonethat at 1:07 AM EST
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My family and home life
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: i love my family
WEELLLCCCOOOMMEEE to my site! This site is completely real for all you square peeps out there.. Heres the real life. My name is Katelynn McArthur! Previously Katelynn Davis but am married to a wonderful mad---> Aaron.. We have a beautiful daughter named Makayla Jeanette or MJ. She is 5 months all and a true angel. We couldn't be happier! Aaron and I met Sept. 18th, 2003 and had Makayla Sept. 15, 2004. Life hasn't been completely easy. My parents didn't approve of him, actually caught us in bed together in December of 2003, I was only 17 but soon ran away, December 31 I was pregnant and we both, Aaron and I were excited. In april I turned 18. The journey this pass year has really opened up my eyes to a lot. I was a total square not knowing much about the street. But now I do, been homeless a few times, lived in a closet in a abondened apartment before, let me tell you its a struggle on the street. Aaron and I had nothing but the love for eachother and the love for the child in my womb at the time. We did what we had to do, living in 19 different places until we moved into the apartment we are now(the projects) but it is a home for now until we can really get on our feet. then we'll move one more place and hopefully stay there and build a bright future for Makayla because she deserves no less. Aaron and my daughter are my life I love them both and would die for them, this is a story of a couple who survived......

Posted by crazy3/beentheredonethat at 12:59 AM EST
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