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"Beautiful Disaster"
Wednesday, 26 May 2004
That's me... a "beautiful disaster"
.... or so I have been told. :) I'm starting up this journal to have a place to purge my crazy thoughts and get them out of my brain (damn.. it's hard to sleep at night with such a crazy brain on overdrive!)

I would not consider myself anorexic or bulimic anymore (although, I was highly classified as both for MANY years)... I would, however, consider myself "weight/calorie obsessed"... an "excessive over-exerciser"... "body dismorphic".. yep.. that's me. I should throw in panic disorder as well for good measure.

I sound like a load of fun, don't I?

In my opinion, I'm a really nice girl with a really messed up self-image. Okay.. so I'm not really a girl... more like a lady (woman still sounds so old). I'm 31 (but I don't look a day over 29). heehee

welcome to my madness... I hope you come again!

Posted by crazy3/beautifuldisaster at 3:47 PM PDT
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