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Hello, and welcome to the Awesomeness site! Here is were I give you my opinion on how to be awesome. But before we begin, we should get the definition of "awesome" straight. "Awesome" in the true sense of the word (dictionary definition) is inspiring awe. Using that definition we can conclude that a bag of Doritos is not "awesome" according to this definition, for it does not inspire awe. Something like the Grand Canyon would inspire this kind of awe. However this site also deals with "awesome" in its slang definition, which would be "insanely cool". You might be thinking, but were does the "ness" come in "awesomeness"? I have simply added this suffix to make the word a better adjective. So as you are reading thorough the awesomeness stuff, be sure to keep in mind both definitions. Also, dumb people are not awesome (both translations). If you have been called dumb before by smart people, have mostly F's on your report card, or have an IQ lower than 50...than it is pretty much impossible for you to be awesome. I'm sorry if I have offended anyone, but that's the way it is. That's not to say dumb people aren't cool and nice, but that's another discussion.

Final word: This site is still wicked undone, so please don't judge what you are seeing as what you are supposed to be getting.