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What do you need to know about horses?


Horses are amazing creatures! Yet people only look at their size and strength, they don't look at how they act and how their personality is towards people. Horses can be scary if you just look at the size of them, even though there is nothing to be scared of.
Some people love horses, but they are too scared of them to actually ride or get near them without someone with them. This has created a problem for them. As bad as they want to ride, they are letting their fear stop them from trying. Not many people let their fear stop them, but some do. If you are one of the few that do let your fear stop you from doing what you want with your horse, or a horse, there are some ways to overcome it. You just have to be willing to try!

Overcoming Your Fear

Most people are scared of horses because of being thrown or kicked, but some just simply don't like them. If you are one that was once thrown off and is now scared, the only way you can overcome that is to get back in the saddle! You are probably thinking that I am crazy, and shaking your head NO! I might be crazy, but I am serious about this. Being thrown from a horse is scary, I know, but you have to be brave and get back on and do it again. It's like riding a bike. How did you learn to ride? By getting back on when you fell off. It is the same thing with a horse, only one is alive and the other isn't. How did you learn to stay on the bike once you got back on it? You took control, right? There ya go! Once you have control of your bike, you can ride wherever for however long you want. Horses are the same way. Once you have control over them, they are fine. You just have to get back up and try again. Just like the old saying: try, try again!

I am not just saying this like I don't know what I am talking about. I was thrown from plenty of horses, so I do know how it feels. It is kind of scary when you are actually thrown and you don't want to do it again(get thrown). So to keep that from happening again, you just don't get back on the horse. Even though you love horses and love to ride, you are just too scared to take that chance again. What is life without a little risk every now and then? Take a risk! Most of the time they will turn out pretty good, with your horse that is. Don't be scared to get back on that bike and try again! When you do actually get back in the saddle and try again, you are going to be asking yourself why did you wait that long. Don't wait any longer, go riding!

If you have any questions or just need help with a problem, E-mail me and I will do the best I can to help!

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