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Angel Lynn is seen at her dallas farm in Texas. She is wearing skin tight wrangler blue jeans with a white wife-beater and a white cowboy hat. She's throwing bails of hay into the haymound with her friend Andy and her brother Tom. Andy is also wearing blue jeans and a wife-beater but he has a black "Case" hat on. Tom is wearing blue striped overalls without a shirt and a "Git-r-done" rebel hat. Andy breaks the silence by asking Angel a serious question.

~Andy~ So Ang, why did you assault Veronica and Chuck with a chair?

~Angel~ Oh come on, you know what that asshole and his bitch did to me. Plus it sort of worked because now on Monday I have a match with Mr.Chuck Lee and I'll become the new HeavyWeight Champion.

~Andy~ You think you can beat your mentor?

~Angel~ No doubt.

~Tom~ So what started this feud between you and Chuck?

~Angel~ That bitch Veronica.

Angel stops what she's doing and has a flashback about that wonderful weekend she stayed with SPF at his mansion. **Flashback**

Angel Lynn has just been "tucked" into bed by SPF and she is laying there. Wondering if SPF has the same feelings for her as she does for him. There are having such a wonderful weekend and she doesn't ever want it to end. She then hears a door open and close. She quietly gets up and walks out the door to find SPF staring out the window. She walks up to him already knowing that he's worried about losing his job to Veronica and whether his team will win or not. She was tempted to go up to him, twirl him around and kiss him passionately on the lips but she decided against it.

~Angel~ What is troubling you tonight?

~Chuck~ Nothing....And everything.

Angel Lynn new exactly what was bothering him as his voice was shaky and he kept staring out the window. He felt Angel's warmth as she neared him from behind. She took his hand into hers and moved alongside of him. She had the uncanny ability that few have had in the past, and only the few were ever able to get close to Chuck. The ability was to read his thoughts by looking into his eyes.

~Angel~ Tomorrow night, we will prevail, whether those ladies on our team allow us to use good teamwork or not. You gotta believe we will.

~SPF~ And if we don't? I'm out of wrestling in one month.

~Angel~ Don't say that, it's not even an option.

Finally Chuck turned to Angel Lynn, She knew that her words had and impact on him and that made her feel extremely good and excited about their relationship. They started holding hands, then Angel smiled sweetly at him.

~Angel~ Come back to bed...everything will be okay Chuck.

Angel took Chuck's arm and walked him back to his bedroom, and as she reached for his robe, she helped it off of him and he slid into bed. Helping Chuck into bed and taking his robe off got Angel extremely aroused and there for she slid her robe off to reveal a black lace babydoll. She felt his eyes look at her up and down and she layed down next to him.

~Angel~ There's always hope Chuck...

Chuck leaned down and kissed Angel lightly on the lips. When he pulled from her; he grinned.

~SPF~ I know there is...just like yourself. You are hope for me.

Angel sighed lightly and then pulled herself on top of Chuck and kissed him with a more fiery passion. She didn't resist as he brought his hands up and ran them down her back, when they reached her small tight ass and he squeezed, she let out a wanton moan. She leaned down and pressed her tongue into his mouth as her hips moved lightly onto his, as Chuck felt himself becoming tremendously aroused by her movements on him. Angel reached for her straps and pulled them down, as her babydoll began to fall down baring her front, Chuck pulled her down to kiss her again and then rolled her onto her back, and he rolled on top of her and kissed her with a heated lustful passion. Slowly he moved down to her neck and kissed it lightly and tickled her neck with the tip of her tongue. Soon, he found himself down to her perky breasts, which nipples were already hard and awaiting his lips, and Angel moaned as he kissed them lightly. He first started at the right breast and soon was onto the left. He continued to move further south with his roaming lips, while his hands continued to massage Angel's breasts. When he reached her navel, she ran her fingers through his blonde hair and her hips moved upward in a lustfilled motion. However, the "redlights" came on in her head and her moans quickly shifted gears.

~Angel~ Oooohh...Ohhh..Noo..Chuck..please stop...please...Chuck?

~SPF~ Angel..I know...and it's okay.

Angel still seemed worried though.

~Angel~ But, I know what you want and wanted to do, and I want you to know, that I want to do this with's just that...

~SPF~ No need for an explanation babe...

Angel sighed as Chuck rolled to her side but kept her in his arms.She wasn't sure if she actually believed him that it was ok or not.

~SPF~ Hey, I'm completely fine with this. I'm just thankful you are here tonight and not in there.

Chuck referencing towards her guest bedroom, made Angel feel relieved as she definitely felt that he wasn't angry. When Chuck spoke again, her heart skipped a beat, and she felt like she was on cloud nine.

~SPF~ I definitely understand hun, because....well...I'm falling in love with you.

Once those words left his mouth Angel Lynn just felt like she was floating out of the room. Her heart began to flutter as she looked for the words to say but she just kissed him and layed there in his arms. They spent the whole night together. She was awoken by the phone ringing and SPF was no where to be seen. She answered the a horrible look on her face and then bolted out the door and left. It was Veronica and she left in tears as she was being driven away by the limo driver...**END FLASHBACK**

Angel Lynn is snapped back into reality by a bail of hay hitting her in the back and knocking her over and off the haybailer. She starts rolling around on the ground holding her ankle swearing her head off. Andy hops down and picks her up and sets her on a chair over by the barn.

~Andy~ I'm so sorry, are you ok?

~Angel~ Yeah I only broke my Fucking Ankle!

Andy ran into the house to get some ice for Angels foot. While he was gone Angel started remembering all the good times she's had with Andy and then with SPF. She was started to get pissed off about all these guys when her Ex-fiancee Aj walks up to her. He's wearing blue wranglers with a white tee-shirt tucked in, nice shoes and a "Case International" Hat on his head.

~Aj~ What happened?

~Angel~ Stupid Andy hit me with a haybail and knocked me off the bailer and I twisted my ankle. '

~Aj~ Are you ok?

~Angel~ Like you care.

~Aj~ Of course I care. I've always cared about you, you're the one who ran off to join wrestling, remember?!

~Angel~ That's because I needed a life. A farmers wife just wasn't cut out for me.

~Aj~ That's not all I am. You know now I have my own mechanic shop in town along with my successful farm. But anyway I have a suprise for you.

~Angel~ What is it?

~Aj~ Follow me to the pasteur.

Angel and Aj walked towards the pasteur. Angel was limping on her right leg and she was thinking how she was ever going to beat SPF with a gimp leg. She started going over everything he's taught her and figured she couldn't do this match alone. She thought about having Andy there for support and sort of being her manager, but then after he injuried her she's not sure. She started having feelings for Aj all over again once they got to the pasteur. Standing there were two beautiful horses. One was a tan Buckskin with a black mane and tail, the other was a shining black stallion. Both were standing there waiting for somebody to ride them seeing as they were saddled up.

~Aj~ You wanna go for a ride?

~Angel~ You did this for me?

~Aj~ Of course. You've always wanted a buckskin and Stallion. Now you have them both.

Angel grabbed Aj and gave him a massive hug and then a gentle kiss on the lips that sent all these red flags up in her head, but she shrugged them off. She ducked under the fence post and hopped onto the stallion first. She kicked his sides and he took off flying around the pasteur. Angel felt like she was flying and for once she seemed like she didn't have to worry. She look towards the horizon and saw a motorcycle coming down the path. She then noticed SPF's hair blowing in the wind and she quickly stopped the horse and ran towards the house. She was just about to tell Aj to get rid of him but he pulled up to soon. He gets off his bike and heads towards Angel. Just then Andy comes out of the house, and heads towards him.

~Andy~ Who the hell are you?

~SPF~ I'm Chuck Lee. Angel's boss.

~Andy~ What the hell do you want?

~SPF~ No trouble. Angel you left some stuff at my house.

Angel sat on the porch steps and just stared at him. She was still hurt at what he had done to her and she didn't know what to say. She got up slowly and walked over to him. Grabbed the stuff out of his hand and then smacked him hard across the face and ran into the house. SPF went to go after her but Aj and Andy stood in his way.

~Andy~ I think you should go now.

SPF sighs in disappointment as he hops back on his Motorcycle and drives off into the distance. Angel is watching him go from the attic practically in tears. Seeing him hurt her even more than not seeing him. She opened the bag he gave her and all her stuff was there. Her wallet, her money, even her babydoll she wore especially for him. She didn't want it anymore so she threw it into the garbage. She sat on her bed holding the pillow tight and biting it before heading back downstairs to continue the chores..... TBC...