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The scene opens backstage, people are moving about and working. Rage walks out of his locker room wearing his street clothes, a pair of blue jeans, and his black shirt. He takes a couple of steps forward, when everyone stops what they are doing and stares at him. Rage shakes it off and walks down the hallway out of view. Everyone goes back to there work as Rage departs. The camera man catches up to Rage, to who turns another corner, and runs into a stagehand. The stagehand falls to the ground, and Rage helps him up.

Rage- Sorry about that, I was just thinking way too much!

Stagehand- I know that felling, What’s been on your mind?

Rage- That punk Jeff Wallace, you know he hasn’t shown his face around this place yet! I think I should show him I mean business; after all, I said nothing would stop me from winning that national title. Maybe I should actually start these mind games I brought up. Oh, this will be fun! Where is Jeff’s car, has he arrived?

Stagehand- Yeah… It’s parked outside in the parking lots, it’s a rental.

Rage- Nice… Oh… Where is he right now?

Stagehand- Um… In his dressing room… I guess…

Rage- Good…. Good…. Good….

Rage walks off still muttering “good”. The camera follows him as he makes his way to Jeff Wallace’s rental car. He smiles and looks at it, he uses his hands to make a picture frame around the car. Rage smiles and turns around. He looks at his car which is right across Jeff’s. Rage walks over to his car, and opens the truck. He pulls out a metal bat, and looks at it for a second or two.

Rage- Jeff… I know your watching… I know you can hear me, and see me. You didn’t take me serious enough. I find this very disrespectful. Do you know who I am!? I AM THE NEXT NATIONAL CHAMPION! You are nothing but scum! To think I have been pitted against you, for that title. Jeff I will show you what will happen to you threw that rental over there!

Rage smiles and walks to Jeff’s rental car. He smashes the bat into window shield, and smiles as the he adds dents to the hood of the car. Rage stops and walks away from the car, he takes a breather at least ten feet from the car. Suddenly Rage turns around and charges at the car. He swings his bat at the roof of the car, and goes into another attack on the rental.

Rage- Jeff? Are you sure you want to go threw with or little match next Friday or do you want to be brutally massacred in front of a large crowd? I wouldn’t! I am giving you the opportunity of a life time! Just walk away and I will spare your life. I am the Off Spring of Xtremity, remember that when you go out to dinner, or when you go to your hotel. I could be behind every single corner, I could be your maître d', I could be the hotel assistant, I could be ANYWHERE, and EVERYWHERE! Jeff? Are you scared yet? I would be, you’ll never know when I will be crazy enough to strike, when I am annoyed enough to silence you. You will fear my name, my eyes, everything about me once this week has good bye. Nothing can prepare you for what will happen soon enough.

Rage smiles as he smashes in one last window, and he drops the bat. Rage dashes off to his car for a quick escape out into the day.

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