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Name: Zero
Age: 28
Height: 6'3
Weight: 240 lbs.
Hometown:  NYC
Finisher: Ground Zero and Zero Tolerance
Record: W1 L0 D0
People Mentioned: TnT, Slider, Shadow, Izzy Omega
People Used: Zero and others
Goals: Maintain an undefeated streak and be known as the best in IWF

  Disclaimer: This layout was officially made by My boy J.R, also known as Insane Wayne In MwF. Do not steal the layout or you will be heavily punished.


   OOC Message: This roleplay is all In-character. Please don't take any offense to what I say. It is just me playing my character. So read it and enjoy. 


.::The Scene begins in the airport. We see a plane pulling into the station. A few moments go by and the plane doors open up. A few people get out but most noticablly the new PBX/IWF Hardcore Champion. Zero steps off the plane and goes through the terminal with his newly won belt over his shoulder. As he walks down the terminal, reporters and paparrazzi's run up to him. He walks a little faster to avoid them, but they basically trample eachother just to get to him. He finally stops with the reporters dead behind him. He turns around and growls at them, they all jump back. He does not even need to say a single word to strike fear into their hearts. He points at one young male reporter and signals for him to follow. The reporter gulps but does as he is told. The others stay behind and converse among themselves. Zero and the reporter are now walking into the parking garage. Zero takes keys out of his pocket and unlocks his Ferrari F50. Zero and the reporter hop into the car and peel out of the garage. They are doing about 90mph on the highway::.

Zero- So you wanted an interview? Well here I am!

.::The reporter pulls out a recorder from his pocket and puts it on record::.

Reporter- Hello folks, I am Jim Beam from the wrestling insider, and today I am here with possibly the best wrestler pound for pound in the industry today. Most of you knew him as Nova, but now he is known as Zero. Now Zero, let me start off by saying you are my idol! I have followed you from your early days in PTW to your recent return in IWF. I love your take no bull attitude!

.::Zero smirks::.

Zero- Is this an ass kissing session or a goddamn interview? Get on with it!

Jim Beam- Sorry! Well Zero, how do you feel about your recent title win over 7 other men? And what have you been doing this past week to celebrate your victory?

Zero- Well Jimmy, I feel nothing... I mean I told the world I was going to walk into the match with determination to win the gold, and then I would walk out the champion. And was I right? Your damn skippy I was right! I single handedly beat the so called "pride of the IWF" TnT. I made his ass tap out to "Zero Tolerance". Sure I didnt pin or make any of the other 6 men submit. But I brought them all to hell and back. And this belt proves it! And if any of those assholes feel different, they know where to find me. Now on to the subject of what I have been doing this past week. Well... basically, Ive put myself into intensive training over in Japan, and I have finally perfected the art of the death match! And now I plan to bring it here to IWF. Exploding C4 matches, barbed wire ring ropes, light bulb matches, you name it! Over the past few years I have been learning these akward matches, but now they have become my life style. I just hope that any competitor that dares to challenge me for this belt, knows what he or even she is getting into!

Jim Beam- Speaking of competitors, earlier this week you were booked in a match with the same man you were competing with at the ppv. Shadow! Any thoughts or comments about him and your match with him?

Zero- Its simple Jimmy, Shadow wants to see if he has what it takes to be the King of Hardcore. But we all know his efforts will ammount to what he is... NOTHING! Shadow, the man who speaks no words, the man with no voice. Heh... I know somewhere beneath that mask that reveals your ugly face, there is a crying voice. And on terror I plan to expose that voice as I lock your ass in the "Zero Tolerance". Shadow, just like every woman in the IWF wants to do, I will have you screaming my damn name! But unlike the woman, you will be screaming my name in pain. As I slowly twist your ankle off of your leg, you will scream out the King of Hardcore's name, "Zero!" By the way Shadow I saw that little note you wrote for me. You think my win is un justified, because I only "beat" one of you little assholes at the ppv. Well Shadow, I might not be able to change the way you think about that match. But I sure as hell can change the way you are going to associate me from now on. Because after the match is over and you are laying in a pool of your own blood, every time someone says the word "Zero", you will automatically think of the word "Respect". Because I am going to beat the respect out of you. And Shadow, there is not a damn thing you can do about it!

Jim Beam- Believe dat!!

.::Zero takes his eyes off the road and looks at Jim Beam. Zero actually smiles at him::.

Jim Beam- Zero, now that you have won the title and beat TnT for the second time, what is next in the book of chapters of Zero vs TnT?

Zero- As far as I am concerned, the book is written and published. Technically, I beat TnT on 2 seperate occassions, and whether or not he likes to believe it, He DOES respect me. TnT respects me because of the fact that he has never, ever once beaten me. He was never able to get my shoulders down for the count or make me tap. TnT knows that no matter what he does, he will never be up here on my level. So Jim, unless TnT is mentally challenged and wants to go for a 3rd shot at me, consider that little rivalry over!

Jim Beam- What about Slider? You promised to take him out during your time of stay in the IWF.

.::Zero lights up a cig while still keeping his eyes on the road::.

Zero- Ha... Slider, I would take him out now if I had the opportunity. But it seems ever since Ive came back to the IWF, he has yet to show his face or speak a word about me. That is except for the PPV ofcourse, where he miserably lost the title to some piece of garbage named Izzy Omega. But that is beyond the point. Slider is affraid of me and he knows it. He does not want a damn thing to do with Zero, and that is why he has gone into hiding. But! I do promise, the first time Slider decides to grow some balls and show his face around here, it will be the last time he does. Because Slider, no matter when or where you show up, I will be prepared for you. Whether it be when we are both driving on the highway playing chicken, or we are both 80 years old and we are checked into the same nursing home, I will take my little wheel chair and roll all over your ass until you admit to the public that I am better than you. Hehe... Slider, not even God can save you from the pain I am going to bring you!

Jim Beam- Foo best-ta recognize!

.::Zero looks at Jim again::.

Zero- What the Fuck? Do you have terets or something? Shut the fuck up with those little side comments and conduct this damn interview before I leave your ass on highway and let you test your fate with moving traffic!

Jim Beam- Shit im sorry! Shit! Im not supposed to curse during recorded interviews... Aw fuck it!

.::Zero lets out a sigh of disbelief::.

Jim Beam- Anyways, as I said before, I have been following your career for a long time. Which brings me to the point of Se7en.

.::Zero gets a shocked look on his face and goes silent for a moment. This little trip to the past brings up a familiar face to the interview::.

Nova- Ahh yes Se7en, what do you want to know about him?

Jim Beam- Am I talking to Nova now? Whatever doesnt matter... Yes Se7en, you guys have been great friends and even worse enemies. From PTW to UWF, you guys always seem to a great connection, bad or good. Now that he is in IWF, what do you have to say about him?

Nova- Its a weird situation Jim. To summarize the relationship between Se7en and I, it would be like going on a roller coaster ride. We have had our ups and downs. But no matter how rocky our friendship or hatred was for one another, whenever both of us stepped into the ring tag team or face to face, we have put on the best show that money can buy. We have put wrestling on the map. Because all the emotions that come out during our matches are pure. And the fans get to see that. They get to see our pure hatred for one another, they get to see our pure respect for one another. Now, the last time I recall, Se7en and I were not on speaking terms. But now that he is in the IWF, we will just have to wait and see what happens. Whether if he wants to light and old fire between us or join me and make the best damn tag team IWF has to offer, this will not be one to miss. Se7en, the ball is in your court now, you can decide on whether you want to be a team player or try to challenge me but, like every other IWF superstar, fail!

.::Jim Beam gets a constipated look on his face because he is trying to hold back from making one of those un wanted side comments::.

Jim Beam- Now lets talk about the World Title. You say its not your goal for right now, but I don't believe you! I think that you actually want that title back, and you want it bad! Care to comment?

.::Nova goes silent again, this time he reverts back to Zero::.

Zero- Normally I wouldn't care about the World Title while I have another belt around my waist. But! I just can't stand to seem that World Title around the waist of an undeserving individual. Well everyone except me is undeserving of that belt, but still, Izzy Omega is a piece of shit! There is just something about him that I really just don't like. Maybe the way he talks or acts or whatever, I just don't like him! So that is why I am going to go on record right now and offer a challenge to him. Not for the title, but just to show everyone how much of a bitch this kid really is. Izzy, next week's Terror. I want you to go one on one with me. I want you to see who the real World Champion is! But Jim let me tell you something, it seems that everytime I pose an open challenge to anyone, no one seems to accept. Is it because of fear? Or do I smell bad? Heh... Jim, point is, no one ever has enough courage to face me. And personally, I think Izzy Omega is no different. I think he will pretend like he isnt hearing what Im saying, he will pretend like nothing happend. Because Izzy is a PUSSY. Thats right folks, he is a goddamn PUSSY! He does not want to get exposed for what he really is. And if he decides to act like that, I do have many ways of being able to change his mind. Hehe... but then again, who knows, maybe just maybe, he will prove me wrong. Prove to me that his balls have actually dropped and face me one on one. I guess we will just have to see...

Jim Beam- I guess we will... Now...

.::Zero cuts off Jim::.

Zero- There is one mother thing that I would like to add. When I saw Shadow's note, there was something that stuck in the back of my mind. Its the fact that Shadow said winning MY hardcore title was one of his dreams. Well Shadow, you consider me the dream shatterer, because just like your ankle, im going to twist that dream... twist that dream into a damn nightmare! You think I havent seen people like you before? With all your dreams and hopes of becoming the best superstar and yada yada mother fucking yada! You see Shadow, there is something that seperates the dreamers from the doers in this company. Its called pure determination and dedication. Example, I have dreamed like you before, but the difference being that I actually get off my lazy ass and do something about it. I go out there and put on the best show I can, I make the fans and the wrestlers respect me! But you... you are all talk. Your not going to be known as the best wrestler in the world and your sure as hell not going to take this belt away from me. You just dont have what it takes kid. So why don't you be a little smart boy like TnT, take some laxatives, pinch off about 5 pounds and join the lightheavy weight division, or junoir division as I like to call it. Because that is where you belong, with the little guys. The guys who will never be able to get the piece of gold that holds the most meaning in the IWF. Shadow... Ill see you thursday night!

Jim Beam- Well that is just about it for the interview. Though, I do have on question. Out of all the reporters in the terminal, why did you choose me?

Zero- Well Jimmy, because I figure you could Roll the best...

Jim Beam- What do you mean by "Roll the best"?

.::Zero looks over at Jim Beam and smiles. Jim looks puzzeled as Zero slows down to about 15mph. Zero opens the passenger door and kicks Jim out. Jim rolls about 5 times on the middle of the highway which is luckily deserted. Zero speeds up a little bit as Jim slowly gets to his feet. Jim is looking at the back of the Ferrari F50 as he flips off Zero and tells him to go fuck himself. Suprisingly, Zero sees this and immediatly brakes. There is about a minute of silence before Zero turns the car around and charges at Jim with full speed. The scene slowly fades out as Zero chases Jim down the highway::.


This layout is copyright to JaeDeeAR anyone found stealing this layout will be punished