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Their are many roller coasters in this world, all different kinds.Their are roller coasters that flip,spin,twirl,go up side down, and go stright up and down.Roller coasters are great you should go to an amusment park and check thm out.You can go to Six Flags, Universal Studios, or one of the other many amusment parks.Personaly my favorite park is Six Flags.

The rate of change in velocity (the speed of an object in a certain direction) is acceleration. If an object is speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction, it is accelerating. On a downhill slope or a turn, a ride will probably increase in velocity or accelerate. While moving uphill or in a straight line, it may decrease in velocity.

Friction is a force that works in the opposite direction of an object. Friction can come in many forms, but it always resists motion. Frction is produced when two surfaces rub together. No surface is perfectly smooth. A heavy object has more friction than a lighter one.

If a body, for example a roller coaster, is standing still, it won't want to move unless some force pushes or pulls it. This resistance of the roller coaster to move is called inertia.If the roller coaster is moving, it will want to keep moving along the direction of motion unless something causes it to speed up or slow down. This resistance of the moving roller coaster to changing its velocity is an example of inertia. This is one of Newton's laws of motion.

Some Of Six Flags Roller Coasters

  • Xtreame (X)
  • Goliath
  • Superman
  • Riddeler
  • Dejavu
  • Scream
  • Viper
  • Ninja

These are in order of the best rides 1st the best...(My opinion)

  1. Xtreame (X)
  2. Goliath
  3. Riddeler
  4. Dejavu
  5. Scream
  6. Viper
  7. Superman
  8. Ninja

Great animations at the animationfactory

Kool stuf at cooltext

Good information on roller coasters

Good stuff on roller coasters here

Some sites and picts here