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In loving memory of Senodil...

DEA's Dedication of Condolences
Clan -{DEA}- dedicates their DEEPEST condolences for a lost family member,
a loved one, by us, and by a real family, for those of you who missed out on
meeting -{DEA}-Senodil*SE*, missed a WONDERFUL opportunity that is no longer available :*-(

Senodil was a great friend to all of us, some more than others, some missed the chance to know her at all,
chances should be an important thing, everyone should value the word, because now we're all out of chances,
for those who missed out... We loved Senodil, though few of us may not have realized it, until we no longer have her,
it's a big thing to take a DEA family member, in the way of real life... we love you senodil, and may god's will be with your family,
thank you for everything you've taught us, showed us, expressed to us, made us realize, thank you so very much, we love you, R.I.P.