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My Journal

July 13th 2003--- Hey! It's my first entry. Yesterday I tried to get my permit for the first time, but failed! My mom is going to take me to DMV to take it again soon. But guess what? I saw Pirates of the Carribean two nights ago, and I loved it! I'm going to the movies with Molly tonight. I teepeed Trish's house last night. But only a litte. I only had one roll of toilet paper. Darn. Chrissy is in California right now... grrr. Then Ashley is going to Washington D.C., then Molly is going to Florida! Why me! No one to call! Those are the only people I like talking to one the phone. Well, g2g. I'll tell you all about the movie tonight tomorrow! -Kay ---8:14--July 13th-- Molly couldn't go to the movie. So, my mom is going to take me to go see Dumb and Dumberer. Yay! Feel free to email me people. Peace!---- July 14th 2003-- Hey! The movie was so dumb! But I laughed a lot. I'm going to my dad's this weekend (my parents are divorced). Yea, and I might go swimming! Yay! It's so hot outside! I watched While you were Sleeping yesterday. I haven't watched it for a long time, and I love it! Ha! Well, I g2g. I'll be back later tonight and add more to my entry. I might be on my s/n for aim ximagremlinx this weekend (or maybe this week if I go to my dad's). My s/n is ximagremlinx Bye~~~~KAY Special Feature-- Eileen- Queen Eileen-- Eileen is one of my best friends! You rock! Lets teepee Trish's house sometime! LOL. 4:15 July 14th-- My mom is going to take me out to dinner then we are going to Walmart! Yay! My mom is probably going to get me a swimsuit for the beach. I'm going to the beach with my dad in August. I'm also going to Disneyland! Yay! I want to go to Pirates of the Carribean. And my sister and I already made a schedule for the first day, containing Splash Mountain, the Haunted Mansion, and a whole bunch of stuff. I can't wait!!! And maybe I'll see a celebrity (lol molly)! Molly had an idea, when she goes to Florida, that if she sees Seann William Scott that she'll have him call me on her cell. *in my dreams* I've been addicted to online Harry Potter fan fiction. It rocks! I read one about Hermione and Snape, and I coulnd't finish it cause it was getting too gross and sappy. But I like the James Potter ones. Sirius and the Weasley twins are my favorite characters!! Yay! I put the 64 system in my room, been playing that. Started watching While you were Sleeping, again. Gee, lifes great, aint it? My sister is going to the Kenny Chesney concert this month. Grrrr. My sister actually thinks Andrew Firestone (the Bachelor) is hott. Thats just plain wrong (no offense Andy!!). Ever since I got the TV in my room, I've been living in my room more often. I also get a cell phone. High school rocks! Well, I don't know yet. Let's see.... I remember in preschool, my best friend then, Kyle, said that he was 10 years old. And I actually believed him. But I wonder.. Why would a 10 year old be in preschool? Can you get held back in preschool? I just don't know... I told Eileen to go to this website and she did! Yay!!! She likes it! At my Extravaganza, Eileen and I had to bargain. You see, everyone invited had to pick two celebrities that they liked. I gave Michael Vartan to Eileen, if I can have Luke Wilson. Vicky and Eileen fought for Tyson Beckford (the "fine" African-American model) but I think Vicky won. I got Seann William Scott and Luke Wilson! Well, not exactly *got*. I wish (snort). Haw haw. Feel Free to email me. I'll update tomorrow! Byez for now.. Oh! Before I go, I made up a new thing: IMCSAIDHAC. That means I'm currently single and I don't have a car. It was just random thing I made up. Not like it's true for me.. hehe. Well bye!--------KAY----------------------- July 15th 2003--- Hey! I went to Elmers for dinner last night. French toast is good! It was the only thing I ate last night. My mom is *FINALLY* going grocery shopping tonight so we can actually have real food. I made blueberry muffins this morning and they sucked! They were burnt. Well, they didn't look like it, but they tasted burnt. Liz is going to Rome on Sunday *sigh*. We were planning on getting together sometime, and I suggest Labor Day weekend. I hope I can see her then. Cause I'm going to be gone for most of August (I'll still try to update it a few times in August. If I don't, I'll tell you about everything when I get back). My goal for the summer is to see a celebrity and get their autograph (lol again molly).My sisters are in Mexico doing a community service thing. My mom is at work right now. My dad called last night and left a message asking if I wanted to go out for lunch with him. I don't really want to. I'm seeing my dad this weekend (and I'm going swimming... maybe). The weather is still hott... grrr. Been in the mood for swimming. Hopefully Chrissy gets back by the time I'm with my dad. Well, I should go, take a shower, watch "While you are sleeping". You know what? I'm going to watch that movie every single day! It rocks! I used to watch The New Guy, or some other weird movie, but lately, I'm starting to *fancy* Bill Pullman. He rocks! He was in Spaceballs, and I just love the part "Major Asshole". My dad bought the movie. Molly has it too! Ha Ha! Well byez! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`KAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~July 16th 2003~ Went to bed around 2 am *noisy neighbors and a lousy headache*. Had 8 hours of sleep. Geez.. Had pizza last night, my mom and I bargained and I helped her in the yard for a couple of hours for some pizza! Yay! I had to fertilize a lot of plants, prune some bushes, and some other stuff. It took a while. Geez... Still addicted to Harry Potter fan fiction. I have been reading the funniest one too! I've been laughing so much!!!! Ha Ha! Going shopping with Liz on Labor Day weekend *maybe*. That would be fun!! I've been thinking, and I decided that I'm going to wait a while before I get my permit again. I have to read some books for English. At least I don't have to do the algebra papers like last summer. I'm so glad I'm out of that school. Hooray! Autumn and Fifi (my cats) have been annoying as ever. And I'm going to be on the computer all day, since I have nothing else to do... geez. I was suppose to go grocery shopping with mom yesterday, but she wasn't feeling very well, so yea. And plus, she didn't have much money with her, and something about my sister Katie needs to go with her for grocery shopping. A couple of days ago, I was really bored, so I made the weirdest thing. But I wasn't going to eat it, don't worry. First I put some milk, then some chocolate powder, then I sweetened it. Then I put some eggs in it, and then some flour. And you know what? I think I know how to make poop now! Ha! It looked liked it. I put it in the oven for a couple of minutes, but it didn't do anything, so I just dumped it out. And the only thing I regret was wasting all the milk, cause I miss my milk. All there is is water and some Sobe stuff my mom drinks. We need to go grocery shopping. On Monday, I didn't eat anything at all (except at Elmers. my mom took me there.). And then on Tuesday, I only had some blueberry muffins I made which tasted awful. I'm a terrible cook. My mom thinks that I won't be able to make it on my own. But then I said that I'm going to be rich and have my maids and butlers and cooks and gardeners and... to do the work. I decided I don't really want to be an actress. It's hard to get to the acting business. I want to go into cartooning, or animating. Cause I've been thinking of the Pixar Animation Studio, and I remember on TV, they showed the inside of it, there were like games and stuff and it looked fun! (what i just said probably didn't make any sense so sorry!!!) Well, I should go. Go ahead and im me if you have aim, cause I'm online... right now at 12:21 pm. Byez----KAY----- ~~July 17th 2003~ Chrissy will be back Saturday afternoon, and I was hoping my mom would take me shopping for a swimsuit today, so I will have one when I go to Chrissy's. Cause I think we might go swimming, I don't know. Mom and I had subway last night. Root beer, cookies, and a sub. Yum... I miss my root beer *tear* *cough*. I'm tired. But I can't go back to bed cause I have to get ready to go walking with my mom around Gresham Station! And I'm going to take all of my mama's money! Ha Ha! jk. Its either Gresham Station or Downtown Gresham we are going to. Well,g2g. Byez!!!!!~~~~~~~~KAY~~~~~~ ps. LUPIN ROCKS!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5:36 pm~ July 17th~ Hey! I'm going to see X-2 and Dumb and Dumberer (again!) with Angela tonight. I'm glad she isn't mad at me. We can hang out and cough.. *cough*. jk. well i seriously have to go. i'm watching the second harry potter movie now. i just got done watching the first one. good times... good times. g2g.. EILEEN- if you are reading this, sorry that i couldnt go to the movies with you. its just that i couldn't get a hold of you. called you but you weren't there. maybe next week-- pirates of the carribean? ok bye!!! ~KAY

My Favorite Guys

My Favorite Web Sites

Jimmy Fallon!
Fan Fiction
Seann William Scott Pics
