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::.:: Shawn Sivan ::.::
Born:- January 18, 1986 in Vancouver, B.C.

Age:- 17
Location:- Surrey, B.C.
School:- Princess Margaret Senior Secondary


Cheryl - Im sorry to say, but Hedberg is startin to be better than Cloutier in my books...o well...another stone in the goalie grave yard.
Rachelle - Hi. Merry Christmukkah.
Shoshana - Hi. Merry Christmukkah.
Elijah, Josh, Kashmir, Jasmine - hi Kids. Santa is dead...but merry christmas anyway.
Aaliyah Topanga Lingam - Welcome to our wonderful hell hole we call Earth. Please try your hardest to enjoy your stay...Santa does not exist, so dont believe what those damn adults say.

Varun - I love you dawg...your my fuckin homie.
Nafiz - I love you dog...did you want child porn? or was it gay porn?
Samir - I love you dawg...*from Mr.Sahota* lol
Sergio - I love you dawg...Albaholics Annonymous.
Erick - I love you dawg...Merry Christmakkuh.
Luis - I love you dawg...que pasa hombre.
Colby - I love you...bitch *haha get the theme here. I said "dawg" before to the guys..and now Colby is a "bitch"..haha..ok..that was stupid*. Fuzzy peaches taste so good...MmMmM..
Nicole - I love you bitch *don't worry, i wont start with the explanation again*
Laura - I love you bitch...clueless eh?
Rashid - I love you bitch..*hahaha im playin*...hit that shit.

Much luv..I'll see ya'll in Hell...or sumwhere along the way


I always thought that i didn't feel pain, and that i was all tough and all mighty. Well, thats a load of shit. Im in pain this very moment, and its the kind you just cant cure. It hurts, and will hurt, and its tearin me apart....

New baby cousin was born yesterday. Her name is Aaliyah Topanga Lingam. Cute kid. I love kids...i want some...any volunteers? Put your hand down Nafiz..faggot. December.2.2003
Ahhh the holidays. What a feeling. Just thinkin about it gives me this warm feeling. Waking up on Christmas day, sitting by the tree with the family. Oh the countdown begin. um...23 days to go. Gotta start shoppin. I cut my hair today, it was tough cuz i was startin to like the longer hair, but eh, whatever, gotta move on, lol. Um...i have been sayin i wanna get my eyebrow pierced for the longest time, and i think this week or weekend ill finally do it. Yay. later. Much Love. Shawn.

Okay people, we are about at the quarter point of the nhl season. Here are my predictions for awards at the end...standings, and of course, the stanley cup.

Final Standings




2.Tampa Bay
4.New Jersey
8.New York R.

1st Overall: Philly
Stanley Cup: Vancouver (duh!)


Jack Adams(Coach Of The Year):
W:Hartley (Sullivan,Tortirella-T.Bay's Coach)

Calder Memorial(Rookie of the Year):
W:Jason King (Joni Pitkanen, Eric Staal)

William J. Jennings (best G.A.):
W: Brodeur...obviously

Bill Masterton(Preserverance and Dedication):
W: Steve Yzerman

Norris(Best Defenseman): W: Jovanovski (Lidstrom, Aucoin)

Maurice Richard (Most Goals):
W: Kovalchuk

Art Ross (Most Points):
W: Markus Naslund

Vezina (Best Goalie):
W: Khabibulin (Cloutier, Osgood)

Selke (best defensive forward):
W: Wes Walz (Brendan Morrison, Todd Bertuzzi)

Hart Trophy (League MVP):
W: Markus Naslund (Kovalchuk, Robert Lang)

Thats It Folks.... November.20.2003
Hey wass goin on. Im in the library right now durin my spare. Today's the big game...Senior Boys Soccer PROVINCIALS!! For the first time in like 30 years our school has made it this far, aint it great? Ill have sum pictures up later on tonight or sumthin.

Good music: switchfoot - on fire

Last week was pretty shitty. School was fine as usual, i had nothin wrong down there. And my friends, they were all aiight as usual. At home, it sucks right now. Im still a lil pissed off with some shit. I know im moving in a couple months, but no idea where. Im gonna finish at PM, but shit is gonna be tough movin and all. I was talkin to the old man the other day, and he mentioned Kelowna. Now thats just rediculous. Bad enough takin me out from the one place all of my life i have finally settled into, and have grown attached to, but now he wants to go somewhere where i'll close to all contact with everyone i knew down here. Life sucks...but you have to move on.

It's midnight.
Have you ever felt like you were standing on the edge of a cliff looking over. There are 2 thoughts going through your head. Do u jump? or do u turn around and walk away? Then all of a get pushed in. That's what i feel like right now.

"If your gonna jump...make sure you hit the ground hard, and make an unforgetable impact"

Switchfoot - Dare You To Move
Trapt - Made of Glass

Okay. My official announcement. Im moving. Ill finish at PM this year, but im moving to a new place in the next few months. I dont like it, but not much i can do. ill miss my room the most.

Alone. Sad. Rage. Im sitting downstairs, talking, but novody's listening. Im like, isolated. I just want somebody..anybody, to take the time, effort, to understand, to listen. I think differently, i know. All of what i think, probably offends people, and is probably not the right answer. I sort of, broke out today. Theres a lot in my head, and it stays there. A lot of questions. I question alot of things. I just want them to be more open minded. Listen to my opinion, what i think, and try and understand whats going on in my head. Im not saying that want you to agree with me, because many wont, but have the courtesy and respect to listen and accept that this is me. I truly feel that nobody will take the time to understand why im like this. Im talking about my mom, grandparents, my dad. I don't know what causes me to question so much, to try and look beneath.

Hey. I've sick for a while. I went back to school today. We got our grad write up sheet thing. Im deciding on a quote still, but i think the rest is about done. Im so damn excited about grad man. shit son. um..i love girls with dark hair, and school girl outfits, with glasses..haha...explode yet sergio?

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck ...Fuck

I have a problem with people who don't take the time to sit, think, and really look at whats goin on. Im not talkin about violence and all that shit. Im talking about why we're here. How we ended up here. Where are we supposed to be going. I think everyone should be thinking about this one time or another. It may not be relevant to us now, or even ever will be. But it just seems right for sum reason. Thinkin is a good thing.

it pisses me off how most of our parents dont really understand us here and now. They think that everything is run the way it was when they were raised, and it frustrates me. For example, now kids are educated better, and no the difference between right and wrong, and when we tell our parents that what their doing is wrong, we get in shit for talking back. I hate how certain people let their parents get away with doing the wrong things or pushing them around. I say its time for us to take our stand, and to show our parents that we know whats going on, and that they should start learning from us. They were so yesterday, we're here and now. Let the revolution begin.
.::Canuck Corner::.

Record: 15-7-5-2

Game 29: 1-1 ties vs. Avs
best game, excellent awsome. Auld was in net, played good. Aebischer for Avs...played even better. Wiched ass game from both sides, real entertainment.
Nazzy 4 goals...all 4 goals...nothin for to say.

game 27: 1-1 tie vs. Minnesota
Linden tied the game with 2 mins left. Exciting game. Roloson 1st doubt.

Game 26: 4-1 loss vs. Calgary
Fuckin flames...we sucked today...they were better...nothin more to say.

Game 25: 4-4 tie vs. Calgary
Morrison got the hat-trick. Kesler got 1st goal. Game 24: 3-2 OT win vs. Ottawa

Game 23: 5-2 win vs. Montreal
All top line. King got yet another goal. Theodore was good for them. 3 stars: top any order

Game 22: 2-1 loss vs. Toronto
Disgustin...but better than last game

Game 21: 5-3 loss vs. Toronto

Game 20: 2-1 win vs. Chicago
Sloppy, but we found a way to win. eh, i missed the first period
My 3 stars: Bert, Anderson, ALL canucks D. Game 19: 5-4 OT win vs. Montreal (retro jersey night)
I thought we played pretty damn crummy. Jerseys looked great though. Um...Jovo, Cooke, Ruutu tore it up all night...well after the first period. Bertuzzi screwed up alotta places. Exciting game all around.
3 Stars: 1) Jovo 2) Zednik 3) Cooke/Ruutu

Game 18: 2-1 OT loss vs. Boston
Same as the last game. Excellent game from both ends. Im more and more impressed with Jason King every shift he is on. This kid has a lot of potential, and i think he is just scratching the surface this year. Cloutier played a solid game in front of soft defence tonight.
My 3 Stars: 1) Cloutier 2) Raycroft 3) King

Game 17: 4-3 OT loss vs. Philly
Nice Jason King goal in 1st period. Both sides played good. We tied game with 7 sec. left in 3rd only to lose. shitty.
3 stars: 1)Gagne 2)Bertuzzi 3)Esche

Game 16: 1-0 loss vs. Minny
3 stars: Roloson, Cloutier, Daigle

Game 15: 4-3 win vs. Minny

Game 14: 3-2 loss vs. St.Louis

game 13: 4-3 win vs. Predators
Yeah, not the best canuck game. But an elite team always finds a way to win. Tootoo was awsome. I love watchin the kid play. Nazzy 3 assists. King another goal.
3 stars: 1) Nazzy 2) Hartnell 3) Ohlund

game 12: 5-1 win vs. Wings
All Canucks....seriously. No competition. I though Legace was a better goalie than he played. Nazzy got like 4 pts. King 2 goals. Clouts wicked. Morrison just gets better and better.
3 Stars: 1) Nazzy 2) King 3) Morrison

game 11: 4-1 win vs. Phoenix
i didnt watch the game. Listened to it. We won, goals from Morrison, Nazzy, Linden and um...Slegr. All canucks here.
3 stars: 1) Bertuzzi 2) Jovo 3) Doan

game 10: 3-1 win vs. L.A.
goals from Ohlund, D.Sedin and Morrison. We were totally outplayed, clouts won the game for us
3 stars: 1) Cloutier 2) sum LA king 3) D.Sedin

Game 9: 6-3 win vs. Columbus
im tired...canucks won. good game. we outplayed them all 3rd period. i believe nazzy had like 4 pts.
3 stars: 1) Nazzy 2) Morrison 3) Chubarov

Game 8: 3-3 tie vs. Phoenix
Goals from Linden (or was it Arvedson?), Jovo and Nazzy. Cloutier was good. Who cares about the game. WE FUCKIN RE-SIGNED BERT! this is how it works. 4-year deal starting today. This year he'll make 4.3 million. Next year its 6.5 million. And the two final years its 6.9 million. There's 3million in bonuses. WooT WooT!

Game 7: 3-2 win vs. St.Louis
Best game from both ends that i've seen since Canucks vs. Red Wings last year. This game was an absolute beauty, and the icing on the cake was when King put the puck in w/ 13 sec. left for the win. Overall, id say perfect game by the team infront of clouts, though the first goal he let in was real shitty. He starting to run low on my charts even though im a big supporter. Bertuzzi laid out Jackman, seperated his shoulder. Hate to see a guy go down in the game like that. But thats what u get for keepin your head down. Pronger went balistic, and his penalties at the end were well deserved.
My 3 Stars: 1) King 2) Ohlund 3) Demitra

Game 6: 6-1 Win vs. Buffalo
Well played game by Vancouver...or was it just a shitty one by Buffalo? The offense was very well spread out which really says a lot about the depth on this team this year. The top line had a combined of 2 points tonight. Dan Cloutier did only let in 1 goal, but he looked a little bit lost out there tonight. Very boring game. No emotion or competition here. All Canucks.
My 3 Stars: 1) Jason King(3pts) 2)Sami Salo 3)Daniel Sedin

Game 5: 2-2 tie vs. Minnesota
Just like any other game we've ever had against minnesota, it was a tough battle. Hedberg was in net today, played decent. I thought he coulda played the first goal a little better, but everyone fucks up everynow and than. Nazzy got a nice goal, thass #2. H.Sedin played really good.
My 3 Stars: i missed a lot of the game, so i dont know. H.Sedin, and Jim Dowd stood out though.

Game 4: 3-2 loss vs. Detroit
Awsome game. One of the best back and forth games you could imagine. Although we did lose, we didnt go down without a fight.Nazzy got his first goal. Wings lost Hatcher in the game with a sprained knee..i didnt like the fucker anyway. D.Sedin got drilled through the glass. That was funny. Goaltending was excellent. Offence was there...defense wasnt. around 70 shots combined...sick!
my 3 stars: 1) Hasek 2) Cloutier 3) Lidstrom

Game 3: 3-2 Loss vs. Columbus
Decent showing. I think we missed Jason King, you could tell that that spark he has with the twins wasnt there. Defensively...not too bad. One soft goal for Cloutz at the beginning, but nothing to be too worried about. Our top line still hasnt fully impressed me yet. Im waitin for the EXPLOSION.
My 3 Stars: 1) Rick Nash 2) Mattias Ohlund 3) Marc Denis

Game 2: 3-0 Win vs. Edmonton
Unbelieveable. This game had the most emotion behind in a regular season game that i havent seen in a long time. Overall...solid play on the canucks part in every damn position. The one line that couldnt score the night before was in on 2 goals, with Cooke getting both. Slegr got a shorthanded goal. Hedberg got the shutout...but there wasnt much work. Im still lookin for Nazzy out there. Very impressed with the Sedins/King line and Arvedsons PK playing.
My 3 Stars: 1)Cooke 2)Slegr 3)Linden

Game 1: 4-1 Win vs. Calgary
Cloutier looked absolutely solid. I thought that there were a few weak spots on defense. No big deal. Whoever said we didn;t have secondary scoring was smokin sum serious shit. 3 of our lines were involved in the goals..with the 4th line in on 2.
My 3 Stars: 1)Cloutier 2)King 3)Ruutu