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Anna Fulk17061: hey baby i got my own screen name cuz the other one was being gay
patton1775: i see that
Anna Fulk17061: yah
patton1775: i was just lookin for you
patton1775: now i found you
Anna Fulk17061: i noticed
patton1775: how was lunch
Anna Fulk17061: good
Anna Fulk17061: what did u do
patton1775: what did you eat
patton1775: not a damn thing i didn't even leave my seat
Anna Fulk17061: hamber and rice soup and pineapples
patton1775: oh did you see my mommy
Anna Fulk17061: sounds like tons of fun
patton1775: lots
Anna Fulk17061: nope she wasnt there
Anna Fulk17061: lol
patton1775: did you just get back
Anna Fulk17061: no i have been home for bout 2 hours now but i couldnt get on line cuz that s/n wasnt workin
patton1775: oh isee
Anna Fulk17061: yeah so do i
patton1775: what do you see
Anna Fulk17061: not u
Anna Fulk17061: :-(
patton1775: yeah in my heart though
Anna Fulk17061: yeah mine too
patton1775: what are you gonna do now
Anna Fulk17061: today sux so bad there is nothin to do
patton1775: now you know how everyday is for me
Anna Fulk17061: thats how the next three months are gonna be for me
patton1775: nah
Anna Fulk17061: yeah what else am i gonna do
patton1775: hang out with your friends
patton1775: get a job
Anna Fulk17061: they all work all the time
Anna Fulk17061: im lookin for one
patton1775: where do you want to work
Anna Fulk17061: i dont care
patton1775: oh
Anna Fulk17061: yeah
patton1775: did you apply anywhere
Anna Fulk17061: yeah a bunch of places
patton1775: like where
Anna Fulk17061: ben franklin, union street, cvs, weis, i dont even remember all the other places
patton1775: why didn't they hire you
Anna Fulk17061: i dunno
patton1775: did any of them even call you back
Anna Fulk17061: nope
patton1775: huh
Anna Fulk17061: i dunno
patton1775: me neither
Anna Fulk17061: lol
patton1775: not too much to talk about
Anna Fulk17061: no i dunno what to talk bout
patton1775: hows the weather
patton1775: lol
Anna Fulk17061: rainy and cold
Anna Fulk17061: lol
patton1775: that sucks you need to come to spain it never rains
Anna Fulk17061: must be nice
patton1775: must be
Anna Fulk17061: i really do need to come over there
patton1775: i would rather be home and it raining everyday though
patton1775: and have youto brighten up my day
Anna Fulk17061: well i would loove to brighten up ur day but i cont do that right now but soon hopefully
patton1775: yeah soon
Anna Fulk17061: i hope
patton1775: a little bit yet
Anna Fulk17061: i miss so much that it drives me crazy
patton1775: i just keep getting more and more frustrated that we can't be together like everybody else
Anna Fulk17061: i know baby but we can do it
patton1775: i know
patton1775: someday our relationship will be perfect again
Anna Fulk17061: soon enough we will be together everyday
Anna Fulk17061: yeah some day
patton1775: just like it used to be
Anna Fulk17061: adn i cont wait for that day to come
patton1775: me neither
patton1775: how comes you don't have any info
Anna Fulk17061: yeah i know
Anna Fulk17061: i dunno
Anna Fulk17061: i made one
patton1775: oh i see it now
Anna Fulk17061: kay
Anna Fulk17061: do u like it
patton1775: copy cat
Anna Fulk17061: shut up no im not
patton1775: just joking of course i like it
Anna Fulk17061: good
patton1775: mine is better though
patton1775: lol
Anna Fulk17061: no its not mine is
patton1775: yeah whatever
Anna Fulk17061: yeah whatever yourself
patton1775: ok
Anna Fulk17061: lol
patton1775: you are so luck 1 week of school left
patton1775: man i wish iwas back in those shoes
Anna Fulk17061: no only 3 1/2 days left
Anna Fulk17061: lol
patton1775: oh sorry
Anna Fulk17061: u better b
patton1775: best times of my life don't ever forget that , you'll see
Anna Fulk17061: yeha i guess i will
patton1775: i wish i could go back everyday i wake up
Anna Fulk17061: hang on a min i gotta go pee
patton1775: this not being around the people i love shit just isn't for me i don't think
Anna Fulk17061: kk im back
patton1775: i am glad you made it
Anna Fulk17061: i know baby it just ist workin for me
Anna Fulk17061: thatnx
patton1775: i am proud to be who i am but i just mis my home
Anna Fulk17061: i know u do
patton1775: i don't know about this reenlistment shit
Anna Fulk17061: and im proud to say my boyfriend is in the military but i just miss my baby
Anna Fulk17061: if u re-enlist how long will it b for
patton1775: 4 years again but thats not for another 3 years so don't worry about it
Anna Fulk17061: yeah i know
patton1775: what do you want to do when you get out of school
Anna Fulk17061: go to cosmology school
patton1775: cool
patton1775: where
Anna Fulk17061: i dunno where yet but i relly dont car cuz its only a few months long
patton1775: oh
patton1775: then what
Anna Fulk17061: get married some day
patton1775: to who?
patton1775: lol
Anna Fulk17061: but i dunno who my husband will be
Anna Fulk17061: lol
patton1775: yeah someday i might settle down with somebody but i don't know who either
Anna Fulk17061: me either
patton1775: i don't know anybody who can put up with me for that long
Anna Fulk17061: i do
patton1775: oh yeah, who?
Anna Fulk17061: well i dunno what ur gonna think bout her
patton1775: prolly that she is crazy
Anna Fulk17061: yeah prolly
patton1775: for even talking to a marine grunt
Anna Fulk17061: well atleast he is a sexy one
patton1775: he tries his best sometimes
Anna Fulk17061: thats good
patton1775: other times he doesn't give a fuck what he looks like
patton1775: she prolly knows that already
Anna Fulk17061: yeah well she thinks u always look sexy
patton1775: even in boots and jeans?
Anna Fulk17061: hell yeah
patton1775: i see
Anna Fulk17061: thats good me 2
patton1775: lol
Anna Fulk17061: ur to cute
patton1775: i try
Anna Fulk17061: yeah i know u do
patton1775: i want to go dancin when i coome home
Anna Fulk17061: where
patton1775: i dunno, club

Anna Fulk17061: with who
patton1775: who do you think
Anna Fulk17061: must be that gurl that thinks ur sexy
Anna Fulk17061: lol
patton1775: must be
patton1775: wait which one is that there is so many
Anna Fulk17061: but she can only get into some clubs cuz she is only 16
Anna Fulk17061: yeah i know
patton1775: womens age doesn't matter anywhere
patton1775: oops i shouldn't have tod you that
Anna Fulk17061: yeah it does
Anna Fulk17061: lol
Anna Fulk17061: y not
patton1775: you can get into any club you want i gurantee it
Anna Fulk17061: how
patton1775: just walk in they don't ever card women
Anna Fulk17061: i betta they would card me
patton1775: especially if their with an older guy
patton1775: negative
Anna Fulk17061: yeah huh
patton1775: maybe if you went by yourself
Anna Fulk17061: y wouldnt they card me if i was with u
patton1775: they just never do i seen it amillion times
Anna Fulk17061: sure u have
patton1775: i have
Anna Fulk17061: well what club do u wanna go to
patton1775: in bars and shit
patton1775: i dunno
patton1775: is there any good ones around
Anna Fulk17061: there is no way im gonna get into some of them bars i dont even look 18
Anna Fulk17061: i dunno
patton1775: yes you do
Anna Fulk17061: no i dont
patton1775: every one of my friends thought you were atleast 19
Anna Fulk17061: no they didnt
patton1775: yes they did
Anna Fulk17061: shut up
patton1775: why
Anna Fulk17061: cuz i know i dont look that much older
patton1775: ok
Anna Fulk17061: yeah i know im right this time
patton1775: negative i am just done arguing
Anna Fulk17061: no seriously
patton1775: seriously what
patton1775: i am serious
Anna Fulk17061: im right
Anna Fulk17061: yeah so am i
patton1775: whatever
Anna Fulk17061: whatever yourself
patton1775: k
Anna Fulk17061: lol
patton1775: i have to get to bed soon hunny
Anna Fulk17061: k
patton1775: aight
Anna Fulk17061: yeah
patton1775: maybe i will see you on here tommorrow
Anna Fulk17061: yeah i will be on wheni get home from school
patton1775: k
Anna Fulk17061: i love u
patton1775: until then good night and sweet dreams
patton1775: love you too
patton1775: bye bye
Anna Fulk17061: good nite sweet dreams bout that gurl
Anna Fulk17061: lol
Anna Fulk17061: bye bye
patton1775: k
patton1775: goin going gone
Anna Fulk17061: bye bye
patton1775: ciao
Anna Fulk17061: what
patton1775: buenos noches
Anna Fulk17061: i know what that mean
patton1775: no you don't
Anna Fulk17061: yeah i do
patton1775: what
Anna Fulk17061: good bye
patton1775: negative
Anna Fulk17061: then what
patton1775: good night
Anna Fulk17061: are u for real
patton1775: yeah
Anna Fulk17061: oh if u say so baby
patton1775: i do
Anna Fulk17061: k
patton1775: k
Anna Fulk17061: lol
patton1775: well i am going now love you
Anna Fulk17061: i love u 2
patton1775: xxx
Anna Fulk17061: xoxoxoxoxoxo
patton1775: hahaha
Anna Fulk17061: lol
patton1775: bye bye
Anna Fulk17061: bye bye
patton1775: love ya
Anna Fulk17061: love u 2
patton1775 signed off at 3:50:13 PM.