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The scene takes place inside of a nice hotel room where the newest starlet to be signed to the wDw is shown lying on her stomach while on the bed. Ms. Massaro has a pretty bored expression on her face as she points the remote control at the TV and flips through the channels.

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro Man, is there ANYTHING on TV?!

Ashley keeps flipping through the channels for a bit longer until she sees something that finally catches her eye.

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro Holy crap TRISH is on!

She turns the volume up and sits “Indian style” as she watches her former best friend talk about her match in the ring. At first, Ashley has an excited look on her face but then that quickly changes when she hears all of the things that are being said about her. After Trish cuts her promo, Ashley turns the TV off and drops the remote in anger.

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro I don’t know what the hell crawled up her ass and died but I’m about to find out!

With that being said, Ashley gets up from the bed and heads to the closest where she begins to pull down all of her clothes from the hangers. She then walks over to her open suitcase and tosses them in there as she begins to pack her stuff before heading out to the arena.

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro [mutters] I swear the nerve of her…she is DEFINITELY gonna be hearing from me.

The scene slowly fades to black as the last visual we get of Ashley is of her heading for the door with her keys and suitcase.

The cameras are now rolling and following Ashley down the hallway as she looks around aimlessly for her lockeroom. As she turns a corner, she literally bumps into backstage interviewer Eve Torres.

|[s.e.x.y l.a.t.i.n.a]| - Eve Torres [frowns] Oh I am SO sorry!

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro No no it was my fault not yours.

|[s.e.x.y l.a.t.i.n.a]| - Eve Torres Yeah it kinda was. [smirks] Anyway I’m glad to see you here in wDw Ashley, welcome abroad!

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro Thanks. [smiles slightly] So hey I don’t mean to sound like an ass or anything but who are you?

|[s.e.x.y l.a.t.i.n.a]| - Eve Torres [shakes her head while grinning] You know what? I actually get this a lot. My name is Eve Torres and I won the 2007 Diva Search contest back in the WWE.

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro [raises her eyebrows] Oh ok that’s cool. So we have something in common.

|[s.e.x.y l.a.t.i.n.a]| - Eve Torres This is true. So I’m actually glad I bumped into you because I’ve been meaning to get your thoughts on your match tonight. Have you heard what Trish has been saying about you?

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro I have and I am not happy about it at all. Like I seriously have no idea why she is acting this way. We were really good friends a couple years ago and now it seems like she has taken a turn for the worst.

|[s.e.x.y l.a.t.i.n.a]| - Eve Torres I have also heard that her and Alissa Flash have formed some sort of alliance.

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro Ah, the numbers game. Well hey whatever floats their boat. I can take them both on, I don’t have a problem with that.

|[s.e.x.y l.a.t.i.n.a]| - Eve Torres Are you sure about that? Because I see this as a huge disadvantage in your case.

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro Trust me Eve, I know everything there is to know about Trish. Now this Alissa chick may be a different story seeing as how I know nothing about her. But that’s okay, I’ll do my “research”. [smirks] Anyway it was nice talking to you Eve but I gotta run. I really need to find my lockeroom and get settled in for tonight.

|[s.e.x.y l.a.t.i.n.a]| - Eve Torres Well thanks for talking to me, I appreciate it. [smiles] I wish the other girls would treat me nicer like you have.

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro That’s because their snobby stuck up bitches. [laughs] I’ll see ya around Eve.

Eve nods her head in agreement as Ashley continues down the hall in search for her room. She stops a guy with a headset on and a clipboard in his hand and asks him for assistance. He points her in the direction she needs to go and she finds her lockeroom and enters it.

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro [sighs] Home sweet home.

Ashley rolls her suitcase over to the closest and leaves it there as she checks out the bathroom. After coming out, she walks over to the couch and plops down on it while kicking her feet up on the table in front of her. She then places her hands behind her head and closes her eyes for a bit until she remembers something.

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro Oh yeah Trish Stratus.

Ashley gets up from the couch and exit’s the room as the scene fades.

“Light a fire” by Nuts in a Blender blares over the pa as the “Punk Starlet” Ashley Massaro emerges from the black curtains to a crowd of cheers and whistles. Instead of coming down to the ring as most superstars and divas do, she remains on the stage with a microphone in her hand as she waits for the crowd to die down. She smiles and waves to the crowd before she raises the microphone up to her lips and speaks.

|[p.u.n.k c.h.i.c.k]| - Ashley Massaro Thanks for the welcome guys, you guys rock! [throws up the devil horns] Now for those of you who really know me, you know I’m not the type of person who likes to run my mouth so I’m gonna make what I have to say short and sweet.

So with that being said, I would like to start off by addressing my match tonight that happens to be a triple threat against Alissa Flash and Trish Stratus. Now Trish, I heard you running your mouth earlier and honestly, I am sick of it! I mean do you ever SHUT UP? You sound like a broken record. [mocking Trish] I am a 7 time Women’s champion count them, 7 time Women’s champion and three time Babe of the Year! [rolls her eyes] Trish, how about you tell us something we don’t know? Oh that’s right you can’t because you haven’t achieved anything since leaving the WWE. So how about you get off your high horse and face reality. The truth is Trish, you can’t handle the truth. You keep talking like we’re still in the WWE. You keep prancing around here like you are the Women’s champion. WELL YOUR NOT! SO GET OVER IT! It’s time you stop kissing Shane’s ass and start working for a shot like everyone else. Oh and since when does having a 1-1 record make you the “top bitch?” because that ain’t nothing! Once you actually have a belt around your waist then you can boast about being the top dog but until then, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and let your actions speak for you. Because all I’ve been hearing from you is blah blah blah. You know it’s funny how a person can change within a few years. We used to be best friends, hell I even fought some of your battles for you when Mickie James had that crazy obsession with you. But I finally figured you out. I finally realized what split up our friendship. It was your greed! You let the Women’s championship get in the way of everything. All you thought about then was “me me me”. Well guess what Trish? It’s all about ME now! You’ve had your time in the spotlight. You had your time to shine and now it’s time for someone new. For someone fresh. And if you can’t get that through your head, I have no problem doing that for you. I will beat you down myself and I will have no regrets. So as far as I’m concerned, you can get BENT! I’m done playing nice with you Trish, it’s time for me to make a name for myself.

This also brings Alissa Flash to my attention. Now I know we have never faced each other before and I know I really don’t know much about you. All I know is that you have wrestled under several names and haven’t been able to get a steady winning streak going in the other companies you have been in. But things oddly seem to be playing in your favor here because you are 2-0. [in a sarcastic tone] Good job Alissa! I guess you finally realized that if you sucked a lot less, you can start getting wins under your belt. [laughs] But let me tell you something Ms. Flash, you can team with Trish all you want, I don’t care. But just know that when it comes to that Women’s title, Trish will turn on you in a heart beat. She is greedy, she is obsessed with herself, and she has jealously issues. [shrugs her shoulders] So if that’s who you want to align yourself with then be my guest. It really won’t help you both tonight because I know I can fare well on my own. I don’t need a partner to beat you two because I know I have a lot more talent then the both of you think. So keep talking trash, I dare you! All your doing is digging yourselves a hole and adding fuel to my fire. I’ll see you bitches tonight and I hope you can take the ass kicking that I will be dishing out tonight!

Ashley then poses for the crowd and heads backstage as the scene fades to black.>