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Welcome to Izzy and Miliana's website on... wait for it... US! We're un-identical twins, 13 years old and very annoying.

Our life isn't exactly the best, we never knew our Dad (he did a 'conceive and leave' kinda thing). Our mum was left to raise us on her own (her first kids) with no one else to help her. Then one day, she was involved in a terrible traffic accident and was killed. We were only one year old and had been left at home alone. When mum died, a neighbour called Social Services and we were taken away to St. George's Childrens Home. We were pretty disruptive as kids, but when we were nine, we were adopted by a family which already had four kids (two of their own and two adopted). It sucked. In fact, it sucked so much, we ran away from home on several occasions, were rude to our parents and siblings and threw tantrums regularly. We bunked off school and generally caused havoc at home. The foster family could soon take it no longer and sent us back to St. Georges. We have been labelled as problem children and no-one wants to adopt us any more. But we don't care, we don't need a family, we've got eachother.

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