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Some Stuff About Me

Hey! I'm Michelle, and I'm 18 from Huntington Beach. I am the 2nd oldest of 7 kids (Not all from the same parents, luckily) and a Senior in HS. Currently, I'm in the Color Guard at my school, and I'm going on my 2nd year. So far this year we've done really good, getting between 1st and 4th place out of about 8. I enjoy listening to any kind of music, ranging from Country to 'Popular Music' to Classic Rock to Jazz. I enjoy all kinds of movies, for example: The Sixth Sense, Bruce Almighty, Armageddon, and just about anything with the celebs I like (I.E. Bruce Willis, Jim Carrey, Drew Barrymore, etc.). Last Thursday we had a band showcase night which was a HUGE success. Our performance was wonderful, the best I feel I'VE ever done. Everything else was wonderful, as well. If there was anything you wanted to know, you can locate me on AIM as SNGSUPERSTAR; or MSN as PRETTYTRIPPERGAL@MSN.COM; or Yahoo as CALI_PRINCESS615. Or, I'll be adding more information from time to time. Thanks. ~Michelle

Websites I Go To A Lot
Collin Raye
Frank Sinatra
My School
