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人生がお好み焼きのようになったら、困りますよ。 (O_o)?




English Version

目次 (注意:ただ今工事中)


*私の日記 (日本語)

*写真  (英語と日本語)

*私の作文: 私に作られた作文、ウェブページ等 (日本語版は作成中)

*私の物話: 私がしたことと私の周りにされたことの話 (日本語版は作成中)



*If you’re getting funny letters all over your screen














私の作文 (日本語版は作成中)

*  Tips for 2004 Exchange Students  UPDATED 1/11



私の(面白い?)物語 (日本語版は作成中)

          For those of you who have ever had a face-to-face conversation with me, you are well aware that eventually you will find yourself pummeled with an avalanche of stories.  Now, while I know that these entertain some people, I know that others are left with an overwhelming urge to gag me and put me in a very soundproof closet somewhere unfrequented by other human beings.  On top of this, there’s also the problem from my end of things.  I’m never really to get the timing right on a story until about the third or fourth time I tell it, and by then, people are getting pretty bored.  And then there’s just the problem that I don’t see some people very often and don’t get a chance to catch them up on some of the funnier things that have happened in my life.  And so thus we come to the reason for the “My Stories” section.  Basically, here you will find accounts of some of the more amusing (at least I think) things that have happened in my life and the lives of people around me (don’t worry, nothing too too personal will be shared…at least not while I’m still in the same country.jk).  And so, without further ado, please enjoy.  I like to think they’re at least a little entertaining.  But think about it, at least now, at all else, when you hear me start with, “Did I tell you about…” you can cut me off with “Yeah, I read that on your site,” and not have to listen to the whole boring rendition all over again.

*  We’re All Only Human: The apparently cross-cultural inability of men to find anything at the store




*  Engrish.com日本で使われている変な英語に関するウェブサイトです。(英語)

* Eijiroアルク出版社のオンライン和英英和辞書「英辞郎」です。便利で無料ですから、大好きです。(日本語)

*  Secret Asian Man 日系アメリカ人に描かれたウェブ漫画です。(英語)

*  Aoyama Gakuin青山学院大学のホームページです。(日本語)

*  Isthiezak私と一緒に青山学院に留学しているイングランド人の友達のホームページです。面白い写真たくさんあります。(英語)



Funny Letters

          I have Japanese text on some of these pages, which computers that aren’t configured for it won’t be able to read.  If you can’t see the Japanese text, and want to, go to “View” on your toolbar and then “Encoding.”  That will bring up a list of languages.  If Japanese isn’t on there, then hit “More” and hopefully it will appear in the longer list that will come up.  If that doesn’t work, then I honestly don’t know what to tell you.  But if you can’t read the Japanese (either because your computer can’t, or you don’t know the language) don’t worry.  Anything that’s in Japanese is also in English.  Plus, my grammar’s bad and it’s embarrassing for too many people I know to read my Japanese! (^-^)





Unless otherwise stated, all original material on this site is property of Kitada

Kitada, copyright 2003