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Lindsey's Homepage

Partyin'@ the Hockey House--First Weekend @ UDEL(John, Me, Kaila, Katelyn, and Matt).

Girls Gone Wild (Michelle, Christine, Emily, Katelyn, Kelly, Amy, Anna, Katie, and ME!!!).

Girls Gone Wild--Lacrosse House(Katelyn, Me, and Emily).

Girls Gone Wild--(Me and Matt).

Girls Gone Wild--Chuggin' It Down Mmmmm....Good(Kelly, Katelyn, and Me!!!).

SMILE =) You're on Girls Gone Wild!!!!.

Girls Gone Wild (Jackie, Katie, Amy, Kelly, Katelyn, Me, and Anna).

My 18th Birthday (Emily, Me, Anna, Christine, Katie, Amy, Jackie, Kelly, and Bari).

My 18th Birthday(Jesse, Christine, Katie, Anna, Amy, Kelly, Me, Emily,and "plate-masked" Jackie).

UDEL vs. THE CITADEL (Emily, Katelyn, and Me).

Me and Matt.

Rojects 2B Pregamming (Toni, Jackie, Kelly, Anna, Amy, Katelyn, Me, Katie, Emily, and Karly).

The Roomies before a crazy night of partying!! (Katelyn, Emily, and Me).

Freshman Family Weekend: Sisterly Love (Me, Kristen, Katelyn, and Lizzy).

Freshman Family Weekend(Katelyn, Me, Chris, Amy, Kelly, Emily, and Katie).

VCI New York Trip (Me and Jackie).

Homecomming Weekend (Meg, Me, and Katelyn).

Halloween: Scary or Sexy?

Halloween: Me and Matt!!.

UDSemi-Formal(Anna, Kelly, Kelly2, Me, Jackie, Katie, Katelyn, and Emily).

UDSemi-Formal: Drunk?(Kelly, Katelyn, and Me).

UDSemi-Formal: Awww how cute!!! (Matt and Me).

UDSemi-Formal:SEXYYYY (Katelyn and Me).

Pika Luau--2,000 people, 3 hot tubs, sand, live band and DJ, beer, and bathing suits....good times.

Pika Luau(Jackie, Kelly, Me, Anna, and Katie).

Pika Luau(Kelly, Katie, Jackie, and Me).

Pika Luau(Kelly, Katie, Jackie, ?, Ali, Anna, and Me).

Pika Luau--Me and Anna!!.
