MuH LyRiCs On MuH OtHa SiTe!

MuH PhOtOs

*+*TaShI's SiTe!!!*+*

TaShI -n- JoEy

TiLl OnE YeAr FoR
MuH BaBi Bo0!!!!

¤Heya!!Hope Ya Like...I aint to good at makin em but hey ya cant expect too much from me...cuz im stupid & i go to Whiteoak!lol¤

*¤*~ShOut OuTs~*¤*(no specific order!well except for Joe bein 1st other than that no order!!!LOL)

*+*JoEy*+*~Babi Bo0 weve been together fer 10 months~its been REALLY fun!! Hangin out witchu -n- ur friends waz koo~I cant believe weve made it this far but im so glad we did! Sorri bout gettin u in school suspension but it waz fun huh? LOL I cant wait till we go ta my sisters houze its gonna be fun...juss me u n Melody were gonna have fun~no parents juss my !KOOL! sister!! Itll be like last time LOL THAT WAZ GREAT!! told ya my Mom waz freakin KrAzY!! well i hope i get to see u more than i do right now i dunno y ur Mom dun like me i neva did nothin ta her so wut am i apposed ta do? its not my fault u dun listen ta her i try ta make ya but thats all i can do! Well i guess ill see at my Sis's this weekend!! TTYL *Luv Ya Sooooo Much!!!!*
TrEvOr~ur the kewlest person i have eva met n i have no idea wut i would do witout cha.Ur my one of my best friends n we have had lil fights but ur juss too complicated!!!!*Luv Ya*
MeLoDy~oh geeze me n u have been through lots of stuff together n i dunno wut i would do witout cha ur my one of my bestestfriends (and kewlest cousins!)n btw dun make fun of me cuz ur juss as KrAzY as i am("im gonna get a car that as soon as you push the brake youll go like 90 mph!!!&"smoke em up Johnny"&"do you smoke? do now...ya like that?"&"i cant see you<>") so :p! ur a great friend n ill alwayz be there if ya need me oki? oh n good luck wit ErIc!!!*Luv Ya*
PaMeLa~ur another one of my best friends n yea we've had our lil fights but most ppl do when they have lots in common n are both spoiled ta death lol...well ur a great friend n good luck wit ur "CrUsH" & everything (and everyone ;) )u do!!*Luv Ya*
KrIsTeN~gurl i dunno wut i would do witout u ur alwayz there fo' me n u alwayz kno how ta cheer me up no matta wut is wrong wit me. ur the KrAzIeSt person ive eva met! ur a great friend neva change fo anyone...Good Luck wit TaYl0r!!!!*Luv Ya*
LoRiNdA~oh geeze wut can i say bout u...ur so weird sometimes...u can definitely tell ura blonde!LOL ura really good friend to everyone...everyone luvs ya :D!!dun eva change fo' anyone specially a guy!!*Luv Ya*
LeAh~there aint much to say bout ura a really kewl person ta hang out wit n a great friend well neva change fo anyone especially a guy!!*Luv Ya*
CoReY~oh my goshness ur juss plain KrAzY lol but if i eva have a problem i kno ur there fo' me n when theres somethin wrong wit me ur alwayz there to cheer me up!ur a great friend dun eva change specially fo' some gurl!!im alwayz herre fo' ya if ya need me!!btw dun sick up fo dumb Joe wuteva he does is his fault so dun eva try to say sorry fo him oki?!!*Luv Ya*
BrIcE~we've had our lil fights but i still luv ya lol ur a really kewl person ta hang around wit especially if im havin a bad day(n bein bitchy) cuz ur alwayz there fo' me.Dun eva change!!Good Luck in wut eva ya do!!*Luv Ya*
NoAh~wut can i say bout u ur juss...a BiG LoSeR!!naw im juss messin witcha ya kno i luv ya :D ur the bestest buddie eva u alwayz are there fo me when i need ya~u give me good advice~if ya eva need me juss holla ill listen ta ya...i might not be able ta give ya good advice but ill try my hardest!*Luv Ya BuDdIe!!*
AsHlEy~i kno we aint that close but ur still a kewl person ta talk ta n hang out wit ill alwayz be herre if ya need someone ta talk ta!good luck wit Jason i hope u guyz last...u guyz will look really really cute together!!*Luv Ya*
CaSeY~oh gosh ur juss a whore~naw im juss kiddin ur a really kewl person ta hand out wit..sorry it didnt work out wit u n Dirk but maybe thats a good thing...ull prolly meet someone betta one of these days. Well if ya eva need someone ta talk ta ill be herre...good luck in everythin(and everyone)that you do!!*Luv Ya*
ClAyToN~i dun really kno ya that well but from wut i kno of ya ur pretty kewl fo a lil kid...that waz pretty funny bout u fightin Jessie even tho i think iu hurt the lil guy but oh well hell be aight. Well if ya eva need ta talk ill be herre!*Luv Ya*
KeNnY~ura a pretty kewl lil kid cuz u aint as annoying as most of the lil 7th graders are but hopefully they dun stay that way cuz i juss might hafta beat em down :). Well if ya eva need someone ta talk ta (or ta ask someone out fo ya) ill be herre ;) )!!!*Luv Ya*
CoRa~sorry i put ya way down herre...we dun really talk that much and we aint that close but oh well ur a really kewl person ta hang out wit & ta talk ta. Sorry i didnt get ya a purple elephant fo ya b-day! I couldnt find one ;)~but when i do ill be sure ta get it fo ya lol. Well if ya eva need someone ta talk ta ill be herre.*Luv Ya*
AsHlEy P.~theres not much ta say bout you except that u are totaly KrAzY! Well g/l witcha Ducks! ;) oh and thanx fo puttin me on ya page!!!*Luv Ya*
Kt~ur a kewl person~even tho we faught ova a weird lil person~but now that thats ova wit were pretty good friends lets try ta keep it that way!*luv Ya*
CoDy~uh i dun really kno u that good anymore but i guess well get ta catch up some time~hope ya find ya another g/f! TTYL *LaTa BuDdI!*
KyLe J.~heya lil buddi! i dun really kno ya but ur pretty koo from wut i kno juss dun turn out like ya Bro!!LOL ttyl *Luv Ya*
#SoRrY iF u AiNt On HeRrE...I jUsS aInT gOt NoThIn Ta SaY BoUt Ya "YeT"!!#

*J*uss soo freakin adorable!~
*O*nly one fo me
*S*ooo hott!!!~
*E*verythin that i want
*P*erfect fo me
*H*oney get used ta it cuz ur mine foreva!!~
*A*lways luv ya foreva!
*A*nytime ya need me juss call
*R*iGhT~(couldnt think of anythin)
*O*n my mind at all times!
*N*eva eva gonna forget cha!
If ya wanna see the one that he made for me go to!! yea i kno his is betta than mine!so wut:p!