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DeM Finest GyaLz
Friday, 30 January 2004
hey grlz wah gwan
hey wah gwan only 1 more day left fah da party ! i can't wait fah see ma babe! well i'm here chillin in auto tech doin nothin , i hate goin 2 class its sooo boring , well jus todai i'm not go but monday i'll be there , so howz ya doin, me i'm great i haven't written in a long time damm well all of us been busy wit school ne stuff. i'm bored ! well i'ma go now cuz i'm bored ne doin nothin c ya laterz


Posted by crazy2/sunshine_1224 at 12:02 PM EST
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Wednesday, 21 January 2004
I'm so happy
hey grlz wah gwan, hey Malini i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry bout today, wen i got home it was 10:30 las nite ne i was so tired i tried to do my HW but i feel asleep ne i didn't wake up in time to go 2 skool, ne sarah sed she sorry too , she got the flu ne i think i got it agian , )i think u kno who i got it from ) Wink wink ! LOL , ur cuz mek meh sick now i'm @ home wit the flu ne so much work to do . Las nite was the best nite ever , accept for the play well it was ight , but the best part was seeing ravi , thanks malini fah comin ! i lv ya gyal ! well yuh kno wah i waited exactly one month before kissin ravi las nite made 1 month since we known eachother, remember ? i met him dec 20th at the mall , well ne wayz i'm happy . i hope u ne reshi ight gyal, oh sarah kool to , she rass meh na kno weh she deh ! LOL, well she goin 2 c curtis todai ! i'm so happy ne i love my braclet ! i love dat bai soooooo much he makes me sooooooooo happy ! ma poor baby is sick , i called him this mornin but i don't kno if he went 2 work or was i'll call him laterz , well i hope u had a great dai malini! i'm really sorry , but i'll be there tommorrow i promise OK, ne sarah too! well i'm outz , its 12:15 pm , ne me na start me HW yet ! grrr, well bye gyal
i'll holla @ u later ight
ur 1 ne only sheRry gyAl

Posted by crazy2/sunshine_1224 at 12:08 PM EST
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Sunday, 18 January 2004
damm Its been awhile
hey gyalz, well i've been so screwed up 4 da past couple dayz. well i'm better now, damm ravi can make me feel sooo happy ne a matter of minutes jus hearning his voice makes me feel so happy, knowing that where in love ne its so strange dat we fell in love so fast. well let me tell u what happend , me ne ma sis where talkin ne she said do u got ah man i sed NO, she sed yes i sed NO , then she sed there's someone close in your life that u like alot ne i sed yes but i didn't tell her it was ravi, its actully riche, although all that has happend between us i can never 4get wat happend ne i still love him no matter what but thats in the baq of mah head now. then i was tellin her that i don't have a prom date. so she sed y don't i take malini's cuzin , so i sed ok LOL this world is so strange
well i dunno wen i'ma tell them i;m outz
hope ya had a good weekend i'll call ya 1
love life

Posted by crazy2/sunshine_1224 at 2:47 PM EST
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Sunday, 11 January 2004
HEY I'm sooooooo happy
life is strange, i couldn't believe ravi would make me so happy! since i've been with him i'm ah totally changed person, he's the best thing that ever happen to me. i kno so ppl might say its too early , but to me its like i've known him for ah long time ne he's the sweetest person ever. i kno i'm not lettin he rass go ne where . he's mine ne only mine. grlz u guyz r the best frenz i got , thanx so much 4 being there 4 me , i dunno where iwould be wit out ya 2 ! life is so perfect now before i didn't c ravi my life was all down , but after seeing him my life is all better . life is strange it works in different ways, which no 1 can figure out! yuh kno we're all happy malini got rishi, sarah u ne Curtis ne me wit ravi , life is so beautiful . i haven't spoken like this before its soo great . well i'ma go ne chill wait 4 ravi 2 come baq online , now i kno y that movie was called life is beautiful ! ne dat was cuz f ravi , i think i'm in love with him! well gyalz i'm outz
luv ya both
1 L_u_V

Posted by crazy2/sunshine_1224 at 5:07 PM EST
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Saturday, 10 January 2004
wah gwan , well i'm @ home its 2pm ne nuttin 2 do. well i would be but i'm lazy. well sarah i kno where u @! LOL malini u is cleanin , well i'm bored i might go 2 clermont ne chill wit ma sis . i dunno yet i really miss ravi ne i kno next week i won't be able 2 c him cuz of drama i'ma be sooooo buzy . well the 26th is the last day 4 me being in drama can't wait !!! ne da 31st is da party damm it can't get ne better den dat grlz! well i'm tired i'ma go ne sleep ok , bye

Posted by crazy2/sunshine_1224 at 2:02 PM EST
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Thursday, 8 January 2004
hey wah gwan
howdy grlz LOL!!!
well we had ah good talk 2dai @ lunch , well i called ravi after skool, i told him 2 cum c me tomm. but he can't cuz i gotts madD work 2 do tomm 4 drama we haven't gotten the costumes dun so i guess i can c him on saturday. hey listen up y don't we all go somewhere saturday nite like 2 pleasure island or sometihing like dat ? i won't be goin 2 miami dis weekend so i'm free !!! we can go chill cuz i really wanna c ravi ne plus u guys can chill wit ah yuh man 2 ! well we will talk @ lunch tomm ok !!! holla @ ya gyalz laters


Posted by crazy2/sunshine_1224 at 7:20 PM EST
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Wednesday, 7 January 2004
I'm sooooooooooooo tied up wit school
hey gyalz wah wan, damm i haven't been herre since saturday! well skool suxs but jus think 88 dayz LEFT !!!!! YEAAAAA!!!! can't wait . well me i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy , wit ravi , ne yuh wanna kno someting, wen i be talkin 2 him , he's always sayin he misses me ne i would think yea w/e but now that i don't see him i kno what he be feelin like ne it SUXSSSS , i hate it , but its all good , hpefully i'll c him soooon . i misss him sooooo much ): well ma classes are igth i want 2 drop 4th pd, but i think that i need the class (like yuh sed malini , its good ) LLOLL well auto tech , i want 2 switch but i dunno i went there 2 c who's in it , but there's not much ppl in there , only a few from last class. well hope u guys get ur stuff 2 gether for what ya changed . i'm gonna do HW, damm dat sounds friggin weird cuz i never had HW last semester !!!!!!!! dammm well its all good
hey malini tell ur cuz i misssssssssssssssss him sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
much );

well bye now

Posted by crazy2/sunshine_1224 at 2:43 PM EST
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Saturday, 3 January 2004
hey grlz wah gwan
yurp sum deep stuff, that's life . well i'm herre chillaxin , bored. yuh kno what sarah hasn't been replying , SARAH WHERE ARE YOU GYAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! well i hope u have fun in Kissimmee ( i don't think i spelled dat right ) well i dunno wah me doin todai , our car broke down , the black one, so they all went 2 look fah ah new 1 , hopefully they'll find one! well i'ma go now Holla @ ur gyal

Posted by crazy2/sunshine_1224 at 12:40 PM EST
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Friday, 2 January 2004
LOve HuRtS______

i thought i loved you but i was wrong,
we're so far away from each other , how can we love each other, if we're so far apart ? it hurts 2 kno and face the truth , but thats life right ? we can't have everything we wanted . maybe we can be together later in life , only god knows that answer, rememeber that no matter where i go and what i do i still love you with all my heart forever and for all eternity ...

Posted by crazy2/sunshine_1224 at 9:09 AM EST
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Thursday, 1 January 2004
Happy New YEar
hey wah gwan, well HAPPY NEw Years to u grlz ne ur familyz! well i'm bored , u know dis vacation sucked , i didn't feel like a vacation or hliday . well hope u guyz had much funn. c ya laterz

Posted by crazy2/sunshine_1224 at 8:31 AM EST
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