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Kristina's Webpage!!

My Best Friends (sry cant fit ne more but u no u r my best friend!)

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hey! wus^ people? nmh i am just so bored so i am making a webpage! u can learn evrything u wanna know about me here.

hair: dark brown
birthday:may 2
height:5'2 (ok people 5'2 is not THAT short!)

i like 2 do tumbling, cheer and winterguard and i almost have my back handspring YAY!!! lol i like watching movies wit friends and shopping, even thow it is kinda boring sumtimes wit guys lol but iz still fun. im always bored so u can call me ne time! if u dont already know my # it is



******im still working on this webpage so it still looks like crap rite now hehe**

hey jen how did u liek my giraffe pic
lol here is 1 of u hehe:)
dont u c the resemblance?

hey Sexy Man!(kevin)lol wus^
too bad u cant just go 2 swisspoint or
live closer:'(
i guess i will c ya lata!
luv ya *computer kiss*

Hey Kristyn! i am sooo bored!
u no u r my best friend and
i havent seen u 4 ever! :'(
usually i dont go a day w/o talking 2 u!
well we gotta do sumthing when i get
back from vacation ok? luv ya!

paige- hey girl sup? im gonna miss u next year
when u go 2 FC
*tear*tear* we still gotta
do things on the
w/e and we still have cheer
well ttyl! call me sumtime

kalup- hey! i am not a fatty
lol happy almost bday!
i no what kristyns getting
u :P haha well ttyl!

joseph w- hey havent seen u in 4ever or talked
2 u!mayeb we will have sum of
the same classes next year
well ttyl! luv ya still

joseph l- too da loo! lol did u
actually have 2 pay 4 that
computer that u supposively
broke? cuz mr nethery sure had
a big spaz about it
and all he had 2 do was plug it in!
