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.:(lala land)::.
Saturday, 6 March 2004

ahh nothing has happened that is soo cool today lol im so bored..this is a boring weekend! i am like not doing anything at all if only i was i wouldnt be sitting here bored out of my mind anyways IF anything happens or might happen i will tell u about it.. if its cool lol.. which it probally wont be so u will kno if i dont say nything else it means that i am having a boring Saturday.. hm... last weekend was so much fun:( why cant this weekend be as much fun

Get your own mood!

Posted by crazy2/strawberrykiwiqt at 4:21 PM EST
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its about 1:24 and i am so bored lol and tired i dont wanna go to bed for some odd reason cuz i think i dont wanna dream about *him* so i will stay awake and listen to music hmm fun..

thats how i feel..^ its soo quiet in my house right now...

well i am going to go right now cuz i am probally gonna go to bed soon soo ya

Posted by crazy2/strawberrykiwiqt at 1:27 AM EST
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Friday, 5 March 2004

you Crash!

im soo bored and tired.. im just happy its friday i dont think like anything fun has happened today at all i am just gonna chill and be bored tonite.. poor me

i dont feel like typing about anything cuz nothing has happened grr... well anyways im soo thirsty so im gonna go soon and type later if anything happens... well i did help paige and logan with their relationship lol i am just soo nice jp well i did help but i mean paige is my friend and i want her to always be happy and she has to be with logan to be extra happy:) haha my friends are great i kno they will always be there for me so i gotta be there for them too... no matter how many times i say im fat and ugly and my friends get so mad they r still hanging out with me all the time lol well i just got way off topic but ohh well i am going to go downstairs i have been online for like 3 hours without getting off and i have been bored.. so i need to go do something like umm get a drink and chill:) sounds like alot of fun.. well im just happy i made it through the week with *him* knowing..

buh bye



Posted by crazy2/strawberrykiwiqt at 7:57 PM EST
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Thursday, 4 March 2004
thursday! yay
Song: Are You Gonna Be My Girl
^yea i am^ lol jp

Which [Diamond Shapes] are you?

What's your usual [mood]?

hmm today was okay i didnt do good on my math test.. i am soo mad at myself lol ahhk i am gonna get an A on my next one cuz i gotta get a B or A in math.. NO C lol.. and that is final lol jk... well anyways im soo tired and i need to study for my science test and stuff i dunno wat i should study i understand it and all i will just read over my notes in study hall and quiz myself.. i should be fine.. im soo happy its thursday.. tomorrows friday! yay

Adopted from Precious

Adopted from Precious

Posted by crazy2/strawberrykiwiqt at 10:49 PM EST
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Wednesday, 3 March 2004
today was hard... i dont know y i cant go the same way around the school cuz i am so afraid to see sum1... it doesnt matter.. i dont wanna cry
when will i be good enough.. i just need to lose weight, and get pretty, but will i be good enough then? i dunno but i will do anything to be good enough for every1... oo well today wasnt good really i got like a 86% on my vocab test... not that good, but not bad.. o well

i am listening to perfect right now and it is really making me think that i feel like how the song is but its not like just toward my dad.. its towards my friends and people at school. i know i made alot of mistakes but no1 seems to understand..

Posted by crazy2/strawberrykiwiqt at 11:29 PM EST
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Tuesday, 2 March 2004

today wasnt great oo well like most tuesdays... i looked like crap today and stuff and all.. but at least i dont have alot for homework or anything. just alot of tests.well nothing happened so far and i need to finish up my science all i need to do is get the calculations or whatever cuz all of them r worked out but like 4 i just end to use the calculator.. fun fun lol

Broken Rage

Posted by crazy2/strawberrykiwiqt at 5:03 PM EST
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Monday, 1 March 2004


~Site Name~

Version: Make-Up Rocks!


Every girl needs to be beautiful..



Menu * Gbook * Em@il

New layout =)

today was okay my crush wasnt online but thats ok its not like he will like me... oo well i dont wanna get upset today i had alot of homework.. i like the guy so much i try and get on right when i get home so he can talk to me but it seems like he hasnt been on and all so thats not fun so i am sitting here cutting out my stupid note cards for social st. all cuz i like him that much... gosh i am so dumb these days arent i... i am so not going to bed at 2 again on a school night! i was so tired in 1st period and its so boring in that class cuz i have no1 to sit next to and talk to ooo well.. isnt this a cute lil picture thing.. i think it is haha


Thanx Lana

today was okay my crush wasnt online but thats ok its not like he will like me... oo well i dont wanna get upset today i had alot of homework.. i like the guy so much i try and get on right when i get home so he can talk to me but it seems like he hasnt been on and all so thats not fun so i am sitting here cutting out my stupid note cards for social st. all cuz i like him that much... gosh i am so dumb these days arent i... i am so not going to bed at 2 again on a school night! i was so tired in 1st period and its so boring in that class cuz i have no1 to sit next to and talk to ooo well.. isnt this a cute lil picture thing.. i think it is haha

Posted by crazy2/strawberrykiwiqt at 11:09 PM EST
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Sunday, 29 February 2004

why cant i just tell u how i feel?
its so annoying i just dont understand y
if i see u in the hall i just turn my head
am i stupod or what... something sure has to GIVE
8th grade is going to end like 7th...
nothing will change and thats my life...
oh well thats just kristy....
gosh i dont wanna talk anymore becuz it doesnt matter its so pointless
i am like useless or something it seems
and im so confused in life now..
i just dont get it but oh well
i just want to get school over with
and feel like a failure even more
hopefully over the summer i will change
and look different so that sumone will like me
becuz i dont have anything at all right now
and i dont know what i am missing that is
just so good that i need cuz i dont have it
gosh it sure seems like i cant be good enough for
anyone at all its just sad.. oh well once again wats
new with that? im just the same girl.. never good enough.. and i will probally like be so ugly when i get older so then i wont ever get marries so that sucks but gosh i just dunno if its fair to be always the dork in my group of friends it seems
cuz all these guys like them but NONE like me...
it makes me soo jealous and all becuz i wish that some liked me at least but oh well i cant get like a recreation of my face... i wish i could..

-Well thats all about how my life is for now.. i really need to get started on my stupid vocab poem thing.... its gonna be hard cuz its hard enough to make sentences up with the words!

Posted by crazy2/strawberrykiwiqt at 4:14 PM EST
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well nothing ahs happened i am going to go do my homework now i am bored and my crush isnt on who cares he doesnt like me i bet im just sooo stupid :/

Posted by crazy2/strawberrykiwiqt at 4:04 PM EST
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hey i just got home from church last night was alot of fun me and juliana just hung around otuside for a little and hide from her little brother and sister and we did dorky stuff and we looked in her old yearbooks and i saw my crushes old pictures! awwww lol it was funn.... adn now i am at home and i left my cell phone there lol

Posted by crazy2/strawberrykiwiqt at 1:10 PM EST
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