WandaSue is escorted, or rather, dragged into the large old builiding. She has on her straight jacket, but unfortunately, her mouth is still operative.
"This is not the hospital I'm supposed to go to!" she protests, "This place is a dump!"
The intake person talks to the guard who has brought WSue. Papers are exchanged and information shared while WandaSue stands there steaming.
"Well, damn, babydoll!" she thinks, "Maybe Carson was right: I overdid it! I mean, look at this looks like something out of a horror movie!"
The guard leaves as two very strong looking men in white uniforms take WandaSue by the arms and walk her down a hall, into an elevator, then, when they reach the fourth floor, take her down another hall to a room with a locked door. The small glass window on the door is fortified with mesh and there is evidence of housekeeping's futile attempts to remove graffiti from the outside of said door.
WandaSue wrinkles her nose. This is where I'm supposed to live?" she asks the hospital guys, who don't reply, but, after having unlocked the door, take her inside the room.
A rank smell hits WandaSue, plus the cold and humidity. GADS! This is worse than a horror movie!
She then notices another woman in the room, who is sitting on her bed, rocking back and forth. WandaSue thinks back to the time she was incarcerated in Salem during the witch trials, and the woman in the jail who did the same motion, back and forth, back and forth.
"Hmmm," she thinks, "You've come a long way, baby! Now, instead of my cushy apartment in Pleasantville, I get this hideous place. Where did I go wrong?"

The hospital worker points to the bed WandaSue is to use, and holds up the uniform she is to don. She sees what appears to be a jumpsuit, a purple jumpsuit. "Euuuuu," she frowns, "Not my color! Do you guys have one in teal?"
They don't respond, but, just as they reach the door to exit, push a button which brings an iron grate down from the ceiling, cutting the room in half so that the other mental patient is visible but with no way for her to appoach WandaSue.
This is the only good thing so far, WandaSue thinks as she puts on the ridiculous jumpsuit.
"They could have at least given us a mirror so we can see how terrible we look," she addresses the other woman, who stops rocking, but commences to bark.
"Oh wow!" WandaSue exclaims, "Do I have to put up with that? I hate barking dogs! I feel like killing the beasts when they bark, especially at night when I'm trying to sleep!"
This proclamation has no effect on the other woman, who continues to bark, whine, bark, whine, on and on.
WandaSue is just finishing zipping up the ridiculous jumpsuit when a man in a white lab coat or something similar, enters the room and heads for her half.
"Can you make that barking stop?" WandaSue asks him.
He sits on the straight chair, the only chair in her side of the room, and takes papers out of a file he's brought with him. He looks closely at WandaSue then asks, "Are you allergic to any medications?"
"YEAH, buster, I'm allergic to barking dogs, and that woman over there is barking. What are ya gonna do about it?"
He shuffles several papers around, respositions them in the file and answers, "We put you in this room because we always keep our animals in the same room. In the next room we have a gazelle and a mountain lion. Obviously we have to keep the grate down because if we didn't the mountain lion would have the gazelle for lunch."
"You actually buy into this crap?"
"It is not for me to say whether a person's delusions are real or not," he says thoughtfully, "but we can take no chances. Oh, let me introduce myself. I am Doctor Kidder, a psychiatrist on the staff of this hospital. It is my responsibility to help you get well."
"So if I get 'well,' as you put it, does that mean I get to go home?" WandaSue glances around the room which she's decided looks like something from a Charles Dickins novel, writtten on a day when he was in an especially foul mood.
Dr. Kidder answers, "That depends. If we decide you were totally insane when you committed your crime, you may then go to a half-way house till you are deemed fit to join society. If we consider that you were less than insane enough to be responsible for your crime, you are remanded back to the penal system to stand trial."
"#%$(&%@#!" Wandasue explodes.
"Now, now, my dear, wouldn't you rather be in touch with reality?"
"In a word: NO!"
"It will be much more difficult for me to help you attain sanity if you have that attitude. Now, how long have you considered youself a cat?"
"The last five years," she says, winging it.
"And what were you before that?"
This line of questioning is getting on her nerves, so she blurts out, "An elephant. You should have seen those old biddies at the supermarket scream and scatter when I walked in the store!"
He writes this down.
"Are you daft?!" she yells at him, not believing that anyone could take her line of bull seriously.
He smiles for the first time, "My dear, I am not the mental patient here. You are."

Dr. Kidder then stands and walks toward the exit, which he opens with a key. As the door closes behind him, WandaSue sticks out her tongue and waggles her hands in her ears.
The other woman begins to laugh. Startled, WandaSue loook at her and asks, "You think this is funny?!"
"Oh yeah, it's hysterical!" the other woman says back.
WandaSue notices that the other woman is now standing, not rocking, not barking, just standing there near her side of the grate.
"What's the story with you?" she asks.
"Actually, very similar to yours. I couldn't help but overhear that silly doctor questioning you. Look, our cases are almost identical. We just might be able to help each other."
"Well that's a relief! Now I won't be kept awake nights by a barking dog! Will I?"
"Not unless one of the hospital orderlies or Dr. Kidder come in. My story is that I had to use an insanity plea after I killed my husband."
"Wow, that's big!" WandaSue is impressed, "Why'd ya kill him?"
"He beat me up, he drank, he ran around, he went to whore houses, he gambled away the money he made plus mine. We were about to lose our house because there was no money to make the mortgage payments, so I figured I was better off without him. And I was. And I am, but now I'm stuck in this house of horrors pretending I think I'm a dog, and the clowns who run the place actually take it seriously. What crime did you commit?"
"I kidnapped a whole bunch of talk show hosts!" WandaSue says proudly.
"That was you?! I read about that. They said you took them to the Arabian desert! HA! Now who's insane?"
WandaSue extends her right hand through the bars and shakes hands with the other woman, "WandaSue Skaggs here!" she says.
The other woman eagerly shakes hands and replies, "Sophia Robertson here! Glad to make your acquiantance, Wanda! Welcome to the animal house!"
They both laugh uproariously.

GROUP WHAT?! Coralynn

WandaSue and Sophia stop chatting when they hear a voice come over the P.A. system:
Group "F" will now assemble in the treatment room for group."
"Group?!" WandaSue asks, "What group? group grope? group hug? What?!"
Sophia sighs, "The 'animals,' as we're called have group therapy once a day. They call us group "F" for no reason that I can come up with except it was created after A,B,C, D & E."
"Uh-huh!" WandaSue reacts, "So does this group therapy nonsense help anyone?"
"Not really. But it's kinda fun to see those other 8 people acting like whatever animal they're pretending they think they are."
"All the animals are faking it?"
"Oh sure. But the people who run this place try to include all mental conditions, and if enough people show up pretending they think they're animals, hey, they get a group."
"And these clowns don't realize these people are just pretending?"
"Look, when you work in a mental institution you get to the point where the more bizarre the better. The line blurs between real insanity and bogus insanity. We are in the latter category, but......"
"They think we're serious, right?" Wandasue finishes the thought.
An orderly steps into the room and gestures for them to follow him to the treatment room. The two women follow him, WandaSue looking to Sophia for how to behave.
Sophia begins to bark so WandaSue emits a good loud "Yeooowl" as they approach the room. They're the last to arrive. WandaSue looks around at the other women who are now sitting on chairs making a varitety of animal noises. One has the sound of a wolf baying at the Moon down pat. WandaSue locks eyes with that woman and winks. The woman winks back. WandaSue has a hard time controlling her laughter. This is a zoo, she thinks, in every way imaginable!

The facilitator is a tall woman with brown hair pulled back so tightly she has an instant facelift. "For our newcomer," looking at WandaSue, "let me introduce myself. I'm Mabel Kramer, PHD, the leader of the animals group therapy. There is nothing you cannot tell us here in group. It's confidential and any information remains within these four walls. Do you have any questions?"
WandaSue shrugs and replies, "Not at this time......yeeeeeowl!"
Mabel Kramer, PHD, says, "Good."
WandaSue thinks, "Yeah, lady, good is right. I want to ask you how you got suckered into a job like this, but, hey, I'm a 'mental patient,' and incapable of thinking rationally, so I'm gonna keep my yap shut."
She notices that some of the others seem dazed and whispers to Sophia, "Why do some of these people look out of it?"
"Medication," Sophia whispers back.
"What? You had a question?" Mabel hears the whispering, "Now, you must ask me any questions you have, uhhh," she looks at the list of names, "WandaSue. The other patients can't answer them."
Yeah, right, WandaSue thinks, you deluded ninny.
"We will, as usual, go around the circle telling the group of any major breakthroughs since yesterday. Theresa, you may start."
The person named Theresa opens her mouth and an alarmingly accurate lion's roar belches forth.
"Very good. Now, can you tell us in words?"
Theresa is obviously on meds, as she looks at Mabel with that glazed, dazed expression and commences to lick her own arm as she figures a lion would, being in the cat family and all.
"Well. Next!" Mabel actually smiles at the next patient, "Wendy! Any progress?"
"I saw a mouse in my room and smashed it to bits!" Wendy announces proudly, "because elephants hate rodents. I'm getting good at killing the little suckers!"
"My, my, that is progress, congratulations!" Mabel Kramer, PHD, says enthusiastically.
By now WandaSue is shaking her head in disbelief. "There are no men in this group!" she blurts out before she realizes she's spoken.
"The male animals have their own group," Mabel replies, "as they tend to be more aggressive, we isolate from them."
"Sophia?" Mabel Kramer, PHD, nods to WSue's new friend, "How have you been, any breakthroughs?"
Sophia barks three times, then says, "I have a new roomie, [bark, bark] who is a cat. I chase cats, but this one is OK."
"Wonderful! Now that's progress! I'm pleased!" Mabel turns all her charm, which is extremely limited, on Sophia. "Now, WandaSue, I know you've only been with us for a few hours, but we've had patients who have made great strides in that amount of time. Anything you wish to share?"
Oh yeah, sister, I wish to blow this whole charade out of the water, but........
WandaSue meows pitifully a few times, then says, "I think I'm well now. Time to go home."
Mabel smiles at her indulgently, "Let us not be premature. Your therapist, Dr. Kidder, is responsible for pronouncing you well. OK, then, Ruth, how has your day been?"
Ruth does an incredible imitation of a monkey, replete with chatter and scratching under her arms, but speaks no words.
"OK!" Mabel says, and WandaSue has the impression that Ruth does this little routine of hers every day they meet in this ridiculous group therapy. She wishes she had access to more of these people, to find out why they're in this hellhole.
Mabel then turns her attention to a woman who sits there comatose. "Janet, it looks like you're still on your medication. Can you tell us how much better you feel now that you are getting psychotropic drugs?"
Janet just gives her a glassy stare. WandaSue wonders why she's been so heavily medicated and looks at Mabel Kramer PHD with a puzzled expression.
Mabel notices this and explains, "Janet is our mountain lion. Without medication she could possibly maim or kill some of you."
The last few people in the group contribute nothing but a few very good animal noises, after which Mabel Kramer PHD says cheerily, "That's it for today, ladies. Your orderlies will be here in a minute to escort you back to your rooms. I'll see you all tomorrow!"
THE FIRST Coralynn

The next morning WandaSue awakens early, as the lights in the rooms come on automatically at 5am. She holds her forearm over her eyes and yells, "Hey! Unfair!" to her room-mate, Sophia.
"That's what they do, you'll get used to it," Sophia comments dispassionately.
"I'm going to lodge a protest!" WandaSue declares as she throws back her scratchy black wool blanket and stands. "Where are the protest forms kept anyway?"
"You must be kidding. Who's going to pay any attention to a protest written by someone who thinks she's a cat?"
"Cats have rights too!" WandaSue insists, now pacing the room. The grate has been lifted as Sophia has promised that she won't try to bite WandaSue. This gives WSue more room to pace.
Sophia pulls on her day uniform; the same purple jumpsuit they all wear. WSue picks up her outfit and spats at it. "These get-ups are dehuminizing!" she declares.
"OK, then, since we're both pretending to be animals, I suppose you want to get over it, get 'well' as they call it, and be turned over to the police? That would get you out of here and away from these hideous jumpsuits."
"So animals aren't human, I get it. Look, Sophia, we've gotta get out of this place. It's a Catch-22, a no-win situation, a downer, a bummer...."
"I get the idea, but this hospital is maximum security, so drive that idea from your mind."
"There must be a way, there must!" WSue can't leave it alone, "I'll come up with a way, a plan, it'll just take me awhile, like the rest of the day maybe."
"Right now we're expected in the dining area," Sophia yawns, "they come for us at 5:30. Don't be shocked by what they feed you."
"Why would I be shocked?"
Sophia chuckles, "I get Alpo if I've been good, I get kibbles if I haven't."
"Oh no! I have to eat catfood?"
"The Meow Mix isn't too unpalatable, my friend. Just stay away from that canned catfood, the canned dogfood is OK if I eat fast, but that cat food has unspeakable things in it."
WandaSue is shocked. "I have to eat catfood? You're putting me on aren't you?"
"I only wish!" Sophia signs as she finishes putting on her servicable shoes, the ones with the doggie tassles on them.


"I can't stand it!" WandaSue explodes. "Gotta get out of here! Breakfast was bad enough, but lunch! More Meow Mix! I had to drink 5 glasses of water just to get it down!"
"I know, I know, I'm getting pretty tired of Alpo, too, but what can we do?" Sophia sympathizes.
Just as WandaSue is about to reel off the various methods she's thought of to get them out of there, someone new walks into the room, escorted by an orderly. He's carrying a briefcase and wearing a suit.
WSue looks at this new person supiciously and asks, "What do you want?"
"Is your name WandaSue Veronica Skaggs Montgomery?" the man asks.
"Yeah, what of it?"
"This is for you," he holds out some kind of document, which WSue snatches up eagerly, thinking it may be papers releasing her from this nuthouse. Shortly after she begins scanning them, however, she realizes they're divorce papers. She yells at the retreating man, "Come back here, you scum!" but it's too late; the door has closed behind him.
"What's the matter?" Sophia asks, walking over to take a look at the papers herself. When she sees the first part, she realizes why WSue is so upset.
"The jerk is divorcing you in your goddamned hour of need?" she paraphrases from the movie "Chicago," which she saw the day before she was committed to the mental hospital.
"Yeah!" WSue almost yells, then starts tearing the document into little bitty pieces and throwing them in the toilet.
"Should you be throwing that paper in the toilet?" Sophia has genuine concern.
"That's where they belong, sister!" WSue replies as she continues to rip and toss, rip and toss.
When the entire document as been ripped and thrown into the toilet, WSue pushes the flushing mechanism which pulls down the contents of the bowl. But soon stops and reguritates the water and the pages back up so that watery paper pieces are now flowing all over the room.
"Make it stop!" both women panic.
Feeling for all the world like Mickey Mouse in Fantasia, WandaSue knows that words are not going to fix this, so she goes to the door and pounds on it, hoping a passing orderly will come to their aid.
"HELP!" she yells over and over again.
Soon the toilet is not only relieving itself of the water in the tank, but seems to be drawing from some other supply, as the floor is drenched in an inch of water, then two inches....
WSue and Sophia clambor up onto their beds as the water rises ever higher.

As the water becomes high enough to start soaking into the edges of the ugly scratchy black wool blanets on the beds, an orderly enters the room on a routine chore. He sees the situation and yells into the walkie-talkie, "Emergency in room 406! Emergency in room 406!"
In no time several maintenance workers arrive and size up the situation. They run for mops and pails and a plunger.
By now WandaSue and Sophia have moved back on their beds away from the water which is making inroads on their ugly scratchy black wool blankets, and have their backs pressed against the walls.
A janitor arrives with the largest plunger either woman has ever set eyes on. He plunges furiously again and again. No good. He then tells one of the others to go turn off the main water supply to the building. The other man hurries away.
Soon the water has ceased gurgling out of the toilet, but there is still a foot of water all over the floor. The maintenance workers mop and wring, mop and wring for what seems an eternity, but eventually the water has been removed.

No sooner have they left than an angry nurse enters the room and looks daggers at both women. "What are you two trying to pull?"
"Not a thing, warden, I mean, Miss Ratched, I mean...." WandaSue is not enjoying this confrontation.
"You realize we had to turn off all the water to this entire institution?" the nurse is on a roll. "You realize we now have to take apart the plumbing to get whatever you threw in the toilet OUT?"
WandaSue and Sophia nod, but say nothing.
"You can't stay in this room, look at it! Even your blankets are wet! No, we're putting both of you in solitary!"
"Together?" WandaSue hopes aloud.
"Solitary, that means alone!" the nurse yells as she goes out of the room to round up several of those strong orderlies to help with her task.
WandaSue whispers to Sophia, "This is the break I've been waiting for! When they take us out of the room, I'll fall down like I've passed out. They'll call for a medical doctor, and we'll make a dash for it!"
Sophia looks skeptical but replies, "It's worth a try!"

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