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Welcome to my Pics Page! :)
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Hi! Welcome to my pics page! These are just a few random
pics from this past year.  :)
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My Choir Pic! :)
This is my choir pic. our choir director didn't
bother to tell us we were taking pics this day.
arg. It was taken in october or so I think.
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Me and Sara! :)
This is me and one of my best buddies sara. we hung
out a lot during school, and kept each other
sane through choir class. Can't wait till next year :). 
A friend of ours took this pic right before choir class. :)
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Mistie AKA Ally!
This is another one of my best friends Mistie
AKA ALLY. We kind of helped each other survive
through the first semester of geometry. Unfortunately
the only pic I had of her was from the yearbook. :(
She was excepted into the 2003-2004 Texannes drill
team. Congrats Mistie! :)
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Me and Dulce! :)
This is me and Dulce another one of my bestest
buddies. She graduated this year (Go her!) I'll miss
her a lot. :( Anyhoo, we helped each other survive
through wrestling and the notorious "Mr. Eadie's
class". Long story. Congrats Dulce! :)
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Wrastlin! :)
At the bowie wrestling tournament, Dulce and I were
practising before the matches started. Victor took this
picture. it was one of the few tournaments he got to come
to since he was in Houston this year. :)
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Go Texans! :)
before the tournament we always pray but this time
victor took a picture in the middle of it....then after
the prayer we all laughed about it. so that's what's
going on here. left to right it's Luz, Monica, glory,
valerie, and me :).
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Ashley and Chase! :)
This is ashley and her boyfriend chase. Ashley and
I have known each other for about 6 years. she went
and had this pic taken the day after the first wrestling
tournament of the season. :)
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Six Flags! :)
these are some people I worked with last summer. most of them
have left. left to right is Denis (supervistor), Dallas (assistant manager),
Mayia I think, have no idea, and Reggie. :) I miss everybody *tear*.
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Well, that's about all the pics I have right now. Yeah, I need to take
more pics right? Anyhoo, I'll put more pics when I get them. Tankiez
for coming! :)
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