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??06: Kate's
??06: Rowan
??06: More Rowan
2?06: American Weekend
123105: New Years Eve!
032805: Photography Business
032805: Art Stuff

Hi. My name is Sam...welcome to the site. I write all the HTML stuff myself. I am too cheap to purchase myself a .com, so Angelfire suffices for now. I can't do anything about the ads at the top and bottom of the site,'ll have to get past that. I haven't updated in what seems like forever. I don't have lots of time, and when I do, I don't spend it here as often as I could. I update the "Photography Business" portion of the site more often than I update the rest. I probably won't update again for a while or until something interesting enough happens that I photograph, but check back often anyway. Please. And while your at it, sign the guestbook. It makes me happy. Im a pretty outgoing person, and I'm always up for talking to new people(sans the psychos out there..), so if you have any questions about me of the site or just feel like introducing yourself, IM me at sweetiepye2o0o .