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Whack A Staff

Strategy: For this game, try to hit the staff members in the order they pop up. This gets harder as you move up in levels, but it's the eaisest way to score in the first few. Those of you with tablets and know how to use them might find it easier if you use your pen as the mouse in this game... Playing: This is a great game for if you get mad at the Neopets staff- just whack 'em on the head! When you play, try to remember who is worth the most points. The females (Donna and Snowflake) are worth the most, 10 and 8 points. The male worth the most points is Mr. Ro-boto- 6 points. Incase two staff members pop up at the same time, try to go after the more valuable one. Scoring: Remember that you have to get 75 points PER ROUND. This doesn't mean that on round 2 you have to get 150 points (well, unless you get a perfect 75 on round one). As I've said, the females are worth the most points. Also Snowflake tends to pop up more than Donna... Good luck- and have fun! ;)