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Rocky says: Hey Jessica says: hey baby Rocky says: whats up Jessica says: not much just surfing the web Rocky says: i figured Id catch you this morning Jessica says: well ya did Jessica says: what's up with you Rocky says: I just woke up Jessica says: well good mornign sunshine! Rocky says: i was out in my garage last night with my dad at like 10 pm trying to figure out what was wrong with my truck Jessica says: was it cold Rocky says: really cold Jessica says: i didn't go outside at all yesturday Rocky says: lol Rocky says: bum!! Jessica says: yeah, i stayed in bed the rest of the day Jessica says: after i talked to you i went back to sleep Rocky says: lol Rocky says: and your homework?? Jessica says: nope, forgot all about it Rocky says: lol Rocky says: your such a bad girl Jessica says: i am Jessica says: but it's fun Rocky says: i cant disagree Jessica says: yeah that's what i thought Rocky says: do you ever chat with anybody else when you re in computer class Rocky says: on IM Rocky says: ? Jessica says: no nobody else is ever on Rocky says: i figured. Rocky says: everybody else is doing their school work Rocky says: like good kids Jessica says: hey alright! teacher just gave me progress report. I got an A! yay! Jessica says: nope not me Rocky says: then you must be doing something right if tyou are getting an A and get away with emailing and web surfing Jessica says: well i'm done with all my work so i have nothing else to do Rocky says: as usual Jessica says: yep it gets pretty boring when you're a genius like me Rocky says: lol Rocky says: i have fallen asleep in front of computers before, i ended up with a big red spacebar mark on my forehead Jessica says: sounds like something you would do Rocky says: i get bored too, and then tired Rocky says: but you have not excuse to be tired, you just had 30 hours of sleep Jessica says: especially if you talking to someone you don't like Jessica says: hey now that's not fair Rocky says: lol Rocky says: j/k Rocky says: i suppose you could have been tired from friday and sat night, all that time spent with me Jessica says: i have to go to school, you don't, i need all the sleep i can get Rocky says: i know, Jessica says: well yeah that too Rocky says: lol Rocky says: school sux Jessica says: it does Rocky says: it would be funner if I was going to school there Rocky says: but it would be one of those things where it would get boring Jessica says: no, cuz then i would never get anything done Rocky says: to see me every day Jessica says: yeah Jessica says: then you would end up driving me nuts and i wouldn't be able to stand you Rocky says: yeah probably Jessica says: it'd be the same for you, i get pretty weird and annoying sometimes Rocky says: noo...... Rocky says: not yuo Jessica says: oh... you haven't really had the full effect of me yet Jessica says: you have no idea how crazy i can get Jessica says: i'm told that i'm psycho Rocky says: yet, this "crazy" a good thing Jessica says: it depends on who i go 'crazy' on Rocky says: ok Jessica says: but yeah, it a good thing Rocky says: oh, so would i like it if you went crazy on me on a fri/sat night? Jessica says: oh yeah Jessica says: if only... Rocky says: if only...? Rocky says: so why would I not want this Jessica says: if only... Jessica says: i didn't say you wouldn't Rocky says: you said it was part of the full effect that I hadnt seen yet Jessica says: you haven't Jessica says: yet Rocky says: which also included you possibly being annoying, and wierd...... Jessica says: yep Rocky says: you dont have to be those though,] Jessica says: no i don't, but i do have my days Rocky says: dont all women,, Rocky says: i mean people Jessica says: yeah Jessica says: we do Jessica says: you never want to see me mad Rocky says: I have seen you somewhat mad, Jessica says: no that wasn't mad that was annoyed Rocky says: ok, well mad is bad, Rocky says: crazy is good. Rocky says: I want crazy.... Jessica says: yeah i know i'm confusing Jessica says: everybody does Rocky says: im not confused, Jessica says: i am Rocky says: I want crazy, I am quite interested in the "full effect of you" Rocky says: you said it not me, Jessica says: don't tempt me Rocky says: like you already have Jessica says: really? Rocky says: yeah, telling me that I would want you to go crazy on me Jessica says: yeah i know, i just don't think you're ready for the "full" me Rocky says: okay, your the captain Jessica says: am i now? Rocky says: of corse Jessica says: what are you, the skipper? Rocky says: something like that Jessica says: ok then skipper Rocky says: i like rocky Jessica says: ok sparky Rocky says: no, it s ROCKY Jessica says: my mommy cut my hair last night Rocky says: short? Rocky says: or short short? Jessica says: shorter than i wanted it Rocky says: you didnt cut yours did you? Jessica says: i didn't cut it my mom did but yes i got a haircut Rocky says: why? Rocky says: brb Jessica says: becuase i had really bad split ends Jessica says: k Rocky says: ok, back, I had to go out side Rocky says: split ends, Jessica says: yep Rocky says: how much did she take off Jessica says: about two inches Rocky says: thats a lot Jessica says: it's short Rocky says: but I am sure you still look great Jessica says: nah i hate it Jessica says: i look like crap specially today Jessica says: i'm tired Rocky says: its just something new..... Rocky says: im tired too, Jessica says: go to sleep Rocky says: keith left a radio on all night Jessica says: stupid jerk Rocky says: yeah Rocky says: I feel like I should start waking him up inthe middle of every night Jessica says: why would you do that Rocky says: and asking him for something stupid Rocky says: just to teach him a lesson Jessica says: but that would be mean Rocky says: hes an asshole Jessica says: he needs sleep too Rocky says: hes always mean to me Jessica says: teach him a lesson but a different way, what ever you do, he'll get you back you know that right? Rocky says: he likes to get back at me 3 or 4 times fold, even when I was only getting even with him Rocky says: hes a real piece of work Jessica says: brothers are stupid Jessica says: well you're related to him Rocky says: yeah, I know Rocky says: so when does your class end Jessica says: bout 10 minutes Rocky says: thats cool Jessica says: yeah i guess, then i got algebra Rocky says: fun fun Jessica says: not really Rocky says: x=2 y =69 what is x + y - 2 = ???? Jessica says: huh? you're nuts Jessica says: i cant do that with out my calculator Rocky says: your kidding Jessica says: yeah i am, 69 Rocky says: 69? said it not me Rocky says: lol Jessica says: you were the one who made up the question so you said it first, What are you thinking about? Rocky says: ummmm math??? Jessica says: yeah right! Jessica says: don't lie to me Jessica says: yeah that's what i though Rocky says: I just wanted to see what you would say Jessica says: thought Jessica says: what did you think i was going to say Jessica says: huhh????? Rocky says: just about what you said. Jessica says: you're silly Rocky says: yeah, so Jessica says: i like it Rocky says: i know, Jessica says: hmmm... Rocky says: hmmmmmmmmmm Jessica says: hmm.. Jessica says: i don't know Jessica says: maybe Jessica says: hmmm... Rocky says: so are you ready for another one, Jessica says: another what? Rocky says: algebra problem; Jessica says: NO!! Rocky says: lol Jessica says: i don't want it Rocky says: i am trying to get you warmed u p Rocky says: ..........for .......ummmmmmm.....math Jessica says: for what? math? no thank you Rocky says: lol Jessica says: i don't need to get warmed up Jessica says: i'm brilliant already Rocky says: yeah, you dont need to get warmed up, you are already hot Jessica says: i know Jessica says: just wait til this weekend Rocky says: dont you mean tuesday, or weds Jessica says: bell just rung i'll talk to you at lunch Jessica says: bye babe