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» Pirates of the Caribbean mania!!!

July 7th, 2003- 7:57 pm
Omg! I haven't written in like forever!! I got this new layout for Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. It comes out in 2 days!! Yay! I get to see Orli!
Well I gotta go. Talk to you later!


June 11, 2003- 12:14 pm
Hello! I haven't written in 3 days, so let me tell you about the stuff that has happened. NOTHING! LOL! Nothing important happened.
I still haven't recieved an e-mail about my shirt. You ow the one with the picture of Orlando. :( I wanted to get it before the trip!!! *tear*! Well I'm gonna go!


June 8, 2003- 10:24 am
Hello People! Only 12 more days till my vacation to Florida!! YAY! I'm excited!
Last nite I watched half of the Mtv Movie Awards. Andy Serkis who plays Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, won best animated character. FIrst Andy Serkis is thanking everyone for the award, then you see Gollum (the animated character), took the award from him and started cussing out MTV. I was crackin' up!
Also last nite I made a music video type thing with different interview of Orlando Bloom. I'll try and upload it in sumway so people can watch it. Speaking of Orlando Bloom, I made a shirt where on the front it had a picture of Orli and it Says "Orlando....". Then on the back it says "....I'm gonna marry you!" Its hilarious! :D
Well I'm gonna go try to upload my Orli music video so people can watch it!


June 7, 2003- 10:03 am
Good Morning! I got most of the layout up except for the content part, which I'll work on tonite! :) Guess What?!?! Ok, There is this website called and its where you can have ur own fanlisting and I "might" become the owner of the Official Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl fanlisting!! I'm so excited!!
Today, I'm going shopping for clothes and stuff for the trip to Florida! I'm excited about that too! We leave in 13 days!! Its gonna be so much fun! yay!!! I like road trips and stuff but after awhile driving in a car for the whole day starts to get REALLY boring!
Well I'm gonna go make a blinkie! Yay, how fun! lol


June 5, 2003- 10:43am
YAY! I got my site up! Its not completely up but most ing up! I had to Orli on it because he is like the hottest person in the whole world!!
I get to go to Flordia in 15 days! I'm so excited. I get to go to Epcot, Universal Studios, and sum other place can;t remeber. Then I get to go to Cape Canavral! The BEACH!! I can't wait! Its gonna be so much fun!
Today I dont think I'm gonna do anything. I'm gonna go for a run/walk and then lay out side for tan. I sorta have a tan but its not that dark, you know? LOL!
Well I'm gonna go find sumthing to eat, I'm starving! I'll write later!
