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Rachel's Page

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My Online Diary

name here stuff here
Dolly-hey girl i love you to death and i hope you know that.. im sorry about all the crap we've had to go through, but i still love ya... even though your far away now your still one of my best friends... i love you soooo much!!
Lindsay- I know we dont hang out very much but you are so awesome... everytime your around you make everything so much fun... well.. unless your in a bad mood :( but anyways.. i love you too girl!!! And Good luck with the baby
Stacey--i dont know what we're gonna do this year since we cant be lab partners :'( i guess we'll be in journalism together... that should be fun!!!

---"What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now."

---"I'll remember the laughter as we go our separate ways, but there's so much we're learning and we can't be afraid. There's a world outside our door and nothing in our way, but if it's not what we're both looking for, we'll meet again someday."
---"Goodbye's make you think, they make you realize what you've had and what you lost, and what you've taken for granted."

---"Best friends hang tough. They don’t come with ‘Fragile’ stickers and are not easily scared off, or ticked off. Best friends help you out whenever they can, make time for you even when they don’t have any, and trust your friendship enough to say ‘no’. Best friends are cross-your-heart-and-hope-to-die, good-times-and-bad-times, borrow-anything, tell-you-everything, trust-you with-their-deepest-darkest-secrets, always-and-forever friends."

---"Everything ends up okay in the end, if its not ok...its not the end."

---"If we ever do end up not talking again promise me something… that's all I want. Just a promise that you will never forget me. Tell me I changed you somehow. Let me know that I had an impact on your life. Promise me that you will always remember me. Losing you was hard enough, but I don't want to live knowing I meant nothing to you."

---"Love that we cannot have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest and feels the strongest."

