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Ratchet's BLOG!!
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Wednesday, 4 February 2004

Posted by crazy2/ratchet187 at 11:27 AM EST
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Wednesday, 28 January 2004
Hey whats going on? So yeah I found some news lastnight that really pissed me off, I found out who that person was saying shit to me over the AIM and I mean I thought all the shit was over ya know but I guess NOT!! I hate It when people tell me to grow up when there the ones who need to GROW UP and so you all know who Im talking about Its KARA!!!! but Im sure my friends know that because they know what shit has gone down in the past! So on a better thought Corey Came over lastnight and chilled with me for awhile!I love you hunny!! I couldnt sleep at all lastnight I stayed up untill like 2 so I only have 3 and a half hours of sleep but FUCK IT because Im not really tired right now but Im sure I will be later So Its going to be a early night for me!! Oh Corey Found my zippo, I was so excited because he got it for me and then a week later I fucken losted It and I felt so bad! He Found It In his room and He was so excited to give It to me again!:) Anyway Im researching some info on Southern Maine Technical College! Im hoping to go there!! Anyway Talk to you all later!!!

Posted by crazy2/ratchet187 at 10:09 AM EST
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Tuesday, 16 December 2003
I went to a x-mas party today, its was okey but it was all snobby rich people there! BLAH!! Im kinda pisssed off because I had to go and I couldnt hang with corey witch I really wanted to!


Posted by crazy2/ratchet187 at 9:13 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 28 January 2004 1:04 PM EST
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Monday, 15 December 2003
Monday Night
Hey Im sitting at home, hanging out, not really doing anything. Today was cool because I didnt have to go to school because of the Snow!! But I like going to school because I go to Zenith, Fuck the high School! that shit is gay!! Im hoping that I can go to Zenith Full day so I dont have to go to the high school at all! I fucken hate that place!!So I pretty hung around the house today with Corey!! I wouldnt wanna be anywhere eles in the world anyway!! Well its like 9:00 and Im gonna go watch a movie with Corey

Posted by crazy2/ratchet187 at 9:05 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 15 December 2003 9:08 PM EST
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I was so excited to hear that there wasnt any school today!! Thank God!! Im hanging out with corey, you know warching some TV and what not. Me caitlin and Corey are going outside to make a snow man pretty soon!!I just wanted to drop a line! But Ill get in touch later

Posted by crazy2/ratchet187 at 10:23 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 15 December 2003 9:09 PM EST
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So I didnt have to go to school today because of the Snow, Corey had a hell of a time getting out of my drive way so I had to get out of bed to help him dig his car out,So that was fun. I hate being home on a shitty day but I guess its gonna be okey because Im gonna go next door to Caitlins house and hang with her, if she ever get the fuck out of bed!!lol.

If you cant ride it or take it to bed, its not worth having!! ha ha ha

Anyway Ill talk later today!! Have fun!

Posted by crazy2/ratchet187 at 8:22 AM EST
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Sunday, 14 December 2003
11:05 Sunday Night
SNOW!! YAY! I love snow,I want to go out and play in it but I dont want to by myself!!Ive been waitng for Corey because I couldnt wait for tomarrow to see him so hes coming over here tonight!! Its snowing out pretty hard. Ive been uploading some pics online or me and myfriends and shit like that! So check them out on my info!!! on Instant messager!!Ratchetbaby!!I gonna go because Corey is here but Ill wright tomarrow!!!

Posted by crazy2/ratchet187 at 11:05 PM EST
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Kick Ass Weekend!
So Firday I got to hang with Corey and we went out to dinner together and had a great time just hanging out me and him!! Went back and watched movies and talked, It felt good to be with him because I didnt get to see him much in the week because of my work and his and School. Saturday we slept in till about 11:00 got up and got ready to go to his mothers new BFs place for a party witch was kick ass, Got a bottle of Voka and drank with Corey and Brandon! Coreys Mother is so fucken funny!! Stayed up late talking with people!! Sunday was a lazy hung over day, went to Coreys place and ended up faling back to sleep untill 5:00 and went home, Corey Stayed here with me for alittle bit and went home to go to bed because he has to work in the morring!! Im gonna miss him but Ill see him tomarrow, Gonna hang with Caitlin Monday after school thats if I have school because of the snow or something! Anyway I have some shit to do So Ill talk to the blog later!

Posted by crazy2/ratchet187 at 7:55 PM EST
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Friday, 12 December 2003
Im blogging!!
So I wanted to try this out and tell you all know more about me!! Im Rachel, well ratchet thats what everyone calls me!
I really dont have anything to wright about today because Ive been in school and its pretty boring so fare! I cant wait for tonight because its friday and Its gonna be a blasted and im so happy because im get to see my hunny tonight, I havnt seen him in 2 days whitch is a long ass time to be away from the person you love ya know!! But yeah im gonna go stay at his place tonight! Man I hate this class,well I dont think it would be as bad if I didnt have to hear about the dirty storys from theses sluts because they talk so loud everyone in the fucken class can hear them!! and how they get drunk off to beers! ha ha ha but anyway,I gotta go home after school and let my dog out and get shit for the weekend because Im spending it with my hunny!! Life has been going really good for me besides the bullshit I get from Rockland and me missing my bestfriend MOODY!! I cant wait to see him when he gets back!! it makes me sad to think about! because I have no one to watch south park with!!:( I went shopping yesturday for my bfs birthday and got him alot of cool shit he wanted so Im really excited to give them to him and i wanna give him something eles too! hint hint!! MMMM cant wait!! Anyway I better get some work done so ill get in touch with you all later, Im sure Ill have alot to tell you after the weekend, Im going to party with Corey and his mom saturday so thats gonna be cool!! bye

Posted by crazy2/ratchet187 at 11:35 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 12 December 2003 1:10 PM EST
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