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Yes. This is the site your mother warned you about. The one you never meant to go to. Too bad. Its too late to turn back. You have entered-

(a random page about a lot of really random stuff)

"The green marshmellows are eating my face!"- Midget Gulvas

eric: lets start a movement
joey: lol
eric: to rename Utah the Hexagon
ryan: lol
joey: ok
joey: why though
eric: cuz
joey: lol
eric: utah is made up of 6 straight sides
eric: its a Hexagon
joey: lol
joey: haha funny
joey: Its not equalateral though
eric: yes it is, i said so!
eric: but the only thing is, its nonconvex!
eric: that screws it over

So anyway, what should my site be about? Hmmm...E-mail me with your thoughts.

If you want to listen to the music again, just hit the refresh button. If you don't want to hear it at all,because you're anti-social, then hit the stop button.

some "interesting" links:
Evil Lawn Gnomes and much more...
Captain Planet Conspiracy
Cheese, mullets, and more!

my own pages
The Acorn Top Whistle Project

Now for my rambling thoughts:
Does anime ever make you feel all squirmy inside? It does that to me sometimes. I can't explain exactly why. Maybe its because it portrays a fantasy that is so much more perfect than reality. I wish I could look like or be some of those characters. They are just so perfect and sure of themselves. I guess I'm a bit jealous.
<bgsound src="stoned_kermit.mp3">

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Brought to you by Rachel Schofield (your eternal master) E-mail me