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Thank you for visiting my ehfdgedgfsdgkvbdnkbbnfdb nnbfnfnbj fbjn fdbfbde hbrj br rbr br br brebreb r regrbfgfdhfhfdhdfdbfhn b dfvbffbfbyyyyyytu76777u7u7u76j bjtrujtrjtrjtrjtjtjgnhgfhng b sngngfngj sfgtjt argfgfgfgfgfg h ba fdb fdbfbpage at Angelfire. Please come back and visifgfdgfgry5y65765 6u 5u65wuw u6 6 u6 u6 u6t again! fgfgfgfdg Cats- the best pets

Cats as Pets

I think cats make the best pets. I do not want to be labeled as one of those "creepy cat people" and I will not tell you that my 23 cats are super-intelligent and able to communicate with me better than most people. This is not true. I don't even have 23 cats, I have one. His name is Fred. He is quite peculiar.

Why are cats the best pets? Tdo not require constant care: one does not have to go home at lunch to let them out, one can leave them for the weekend as long as there is enough food in their bowl. Tare clean. Tdo not smell (although if you try to have over 5 cats living in your studio apartment, there will indeed be an odor). Tare generally not needy. Tdo not steal your cigarettes.
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