What got my radar perked up about this film is that I heard somewhere (on t.v.) that they REALLY want everyone to go and see the movie in the first two weeks of it opening. They said that they have been getting all kinds of donations from charities and such in order to promote the movie and get the word out that "you HAVE to see the movie in the first two weeks."

That made me very leary and made me wonder if something major is going to happen two weeks after opening day and that they are using this movie as a mass conditioning in preparation for that event.

One thought that I had immediately is that when they introduce their anti-christ they need everyone to believe that he is Jesus Christ, and they always refer to him as "The Christ".

I thought it was very odd for Gibson to name this movie "The Passion of THE Christ" instead of "The Passion of Christ".

Every single review that I have read about this movie makes reference to the fact that "I was changed by this movie", they all say they came out different then when they went in. I have even heard alot of people have said that as soon as the movie ended, that everyone in the theater was just speechless and they all kind of just sat there "in a daze". That sounded to me like more that just a powerful movie, it sounded like the movie could be another exercise in mass conditioning as was Sept. 11th.

You stated ...

..."I wonder how the onset of Mel Gibson's film is being regarded by certain human powers-that-be, and by the spirit-world prince(s) whose pretensions to moral authority were annihilated via the Crucifixion. I'm doubting Mel Gibson's film will employ effective "mind control" techiques on BEHALF of these. "

I am personally of the belief that they use religion to calm down and control the masses, even though it would seem that they are diabolically opposed to the purity or goodness of Christianity. I believe that they even push religion because anyone who is "unquestioningly faithful" will wait on "GOD" to get the bad guys and will not rise up against them themselves. I believe religion keeps them safe from us as most are trusting God to take care of the bad guys.

One of the other things that leads me to think that "The powers that be" are in on this film is a statement made by a reader at Rumor Mill regarding the Illuminatti symbol of the all seeing eye and the fact that a commercial for this movie included this symbol.


Another thing that leads me to believe that this movie might have "not so noble" intentions is something that I found after I wrote the statements above that seems to validate my suspicions.

The Illuminati card game that was released in 1995.

This card game was produced by Steve Jackson Games who specializes in role playing games, mostly about the occult.

The Illuminati card game has picture cards which depict the ways that the Illuminati plan to manipulate world events in order to usher in the NWO kingdom of antichrist.

The card game hit the market in 1995 a full 6 years before September 11th, 2001. Oddly enough, however, the "game" had cards in it which depicted the attacks on 9/11/01. One card showed very clearly a plane being flown into one of the twin towers at exactly the same spot which one did on 9/11..

Thus literally proving what many of us already know to be true, that the Illuminatti set up and carried out the September 11th attacks to get one step closer to the NWO takeover and the kingdom of anti-christ.

See this card from the game below.

And another card showed an explosion at the Pentagon as seen below.

Here is a link to those stories: http://cuttingedge.org/news/n1753.cfm

But here is something that leads me to think that this game may also point to Mel Gibsons movie as being "part of the Illuminati plan to produce antichrist". Also included in the deck is this card. Showing three crosses. It focuses on the crucifixion as does the Passion movie. This means that the Illuminati plan to use something connected exclusively to the crucifixion in thier plans to produce antichrist. Gibsons movie is about one thing, not the love of Christ, not the teachings of Christ or the life of Christ but solely about the crucifixion of Christ.

Below is a picture of this card fom the Illuminati game.

Now when you couple all of this with everything else going on in the world as outlined in my post above, my suspicious mind is thinking it sees a connection of little pieces that might, just maybe fit together to form a rather nasty complete puzzle picture.

I hope I am wrong but I really feel in my gut that all of this might be leading to the death of the Pope and the rise of antichrist.

I feel strongly that it just might have something to do with project Blue Beam, getting the masses ready to accept the mass mind control event where the sky becomes a 3 dimensional movie screen that the masses believe is thier Messiah coming in the clouds to save them. Allowing the Illuminati to get even one step closer to completing their plans.

Here is an article about Project Blue Beam. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/6583/project079.html
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