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uPdated --> 062503 / 1-222AM
song playing --> one last sad song - all american rejects
theme --> pinkish !
layout creation by --> mee
dediCated t0 --> me .

+ daiLy shiZ +
062603 1156PM
ahh sOOOOOOoOOOOooOOo BOREDDD !!! & it's soo quiet in my room .. im scared & cold !! =X eh oh wells at least i have someone[s] to chat with baBeneSz & peanutbutterycup ! where is everyone ? i miss you . blah blah yada yada yak yak yaaahhshhff

general information
name --> ashley
nicks --> buningning . babeneSz . bBygrL
d0b --> apriL 5. 1989
nati0nality --> asian . american
ethnicity --> fiLipina
faith --> iNC habang buhay !
occupati0n --> t0o many to mention
l0ve statz --> unknown

useless facts

- i loove monkeys
- i eat too much
- im prone to express stupidity (on purpose) =P
- im cLumsy
- wayy too gullable
- im an internet freaK
- im eaSily jealous
- i LOVE my 2 FAV. pimpStrEss - lysandree & saree
- i HATE conceited biG-headeD egOtistiC people
- i dislike people who are annoying [ that's me to other people .. at times ] =P
- victOria's secret love spell iS MY scent
- im dangerously in love with [?]
- at times im overly dramatic ? ( i think so )
- im addicted 2 adobe photoshop
- our almighty god in heaven goes before everything
- family & friends are right after
- i am attached to [?]
- i can be very weirD . strange . queer etc
- i loove taking pictures of my ugly face
- newest addiction* filipino soap operas sana'y wala ng wakas . darating ang umaga . ka'y tagal kita hinintay . basta't kasama kita .
anything eLse ? ask me .

+ Speshul RecogniTion +

Lysandra Leal & Sarah del Rosario --> muh LiL Pinay ChiCkaz !! ateh[s] thank y0u s0o much for err'thing . for always wanting what's best for me and for guiding me trew out all these triaLs & tribuLati0ns . i dont know what i would do without y0u two ! without y0u i would probably be out doing something stupid ... s0o sad how we're or i'm gonna be seperated fr0m u two !! *sniff* always know that your babeehgrL is always going to be there f0r you no matter what happens ! any pain datchu grLiez goin trew im goin trew t0o !! =D *sm0oches* i l0ove y0u grLiez t0 the mutha fukkin FULLEST !!

muh sa0la0z eMmie & peanut butter cup ! w0ws we got heller close dis year =) welpz grLiez denx 4 err'thing .. n chu kn0 y0u alwase g0ts mee here f0r u guyze !! xD i l0ove y0u guyze t0 DEATh !! *muahz*

chiLlay chiLd OT daymn we got heller cl0se dis year !! wha would i d0 wit out my chiLlAy chilD !! *muahz* i l0ove yah t0 death OT ! thx 4 errything n u know im alwaSe gon be here f0r u till' da bL0ody enD 1!

Kiona Tapasa --> my m0nkeEy!! hehe what would i d0 without y0u ? denx 4 alwase havin' muh baQ n bein there t0 talk t0 & cry with .. ! remember i'z wiLl alwase be here 4 y0us ! n n0 i w0nt eVer replace my bestest br0 in the wh0le wide w0rLd !! ( n y0u wont either yeah ? ) haha i l0ooooOOove y0u m0nkey !! dont ever change okies ?! *muahz*

aDing cheriSh edadeS & chanelle farraLes che e. >> my rebelli0us babygirL !! ahh i l0ooove y0u s0o much ading ! *sl0bber* stay l0w on the sugar ks ? haha che f. >> =) s0o happy we frenDz agen !! hehe ading thx 4 err'thing and s0rry f0r th0se mad asz arguements ! *muahz* l0ove yahz !

aDing[s] mari . mei . z0ey . stAr ahh i'z gon misz y0u s0ooo much in high sk0o ! d0nt ever change okie grLiez ! n membuh y0ur weirDo ateh l0ooves y0u !! n if any 0f u grLiez need anythinG iLl be here ! hehe *sm0ochEez & huGgeEz*

ateh micHy p0o mrs.baluga whale ! hahah xP thx ateh 4 all yer advices n bein there t0 talk t0 when im sad .. i l0oove y0u ateh ! n i d0nt like seein' y0u get hurt okies ?! know datchur lil ading aShoLee is alwase here f0r ya ! *sm0ochez*

thea --> yeah i know we're not together anymores but you know you'll always be my foeva lovin' husBy no matter what ! thx 4 all the laughs and cries n all the lonng talks we had =) ill always cheriSh the memories we had.. i just want you to know that all i want is for you to be happy then ill be happy . and it's really hard for me to let go .n im sorry for puttin u through all 'is bu shiet ... hopefuLly what we hav is real n no matter what test we put eachother trew it'll always come back to us im sorry if im a little insecure at times .. we're like magnets hehe =) i l0ve y0u husBy .. im alwase here for u .. im just a couple miles - hours - minutes seconds and a ph0ne call away .. y0u are my best friend my strength wen im weak n my happineSs wen im lonely .. you're my DRUGGIE !! addicteD t0 u ! xD my hard-headed hunniebear !!*smoochez* mahal na mahal kita always and for eternity...

still more to come s0o..

.much lub goin out 2 dese ppl.

grLz -->m0re 2 come . claren . elaine . michelle c . z0ranna . lisa . april . shasha . jennifer . lai . meuy . farm . sandee . judy . ading starLa . ading maricar . sweetie-pie mei . emmie . muh br0wnie [ricia] . peanut butter cup [bee] . ateh jenni . ateh katherine . ateh mae . ateh mich . becky . tiana . ning . vicky . patti . ading che . nicole . crackadakaL [OT]
guys -->j0se . chan . ralston . lo . paul . james . D . darnell . scotty . carlos . stevie . johnson . justin . nai . all dem billys . all dem tonys . k0rakanh . sparkie . eathyn . thavon . olay . byron . antwan . tommy . eric . chakapong . more 2 come

sorry to say this is the end of my page .. i hope you enjoyed it ! if not . it doesnt really matter to me =P byebyes !