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How To: Be A Couch Potato!

This website will tell you everything you need to know to be the perfect COUCH POTATO! See, most people-especially parents- underestimate the difficulty of being a couch potato. It is a very hard job. Every now and then you have to get up and get the bag of chips & a soda!!!! Talk about a work out!!! And why parents yell at you for getting no work done… well yes, that hurts. This website will show everyone … including those rude, grumpy parents that there is more to being a couch potato than it looks!


Here are some links that will hook you up with some fabulous couch-potatoing equipment!


Get your comfy couches here!

This place has some way comfy couches too!

Buy your BIG screen TVs here!

Go here for great DVDs, Movies, Magazines & more!

Hungry? Get your phone and order some pizza!

I bet you get hungry for some candy when you're lying on that couch...

Wal*Mart will hook you up with some sweets!

...And when you are tired of vegeing...take a vaycay

Wanna know some stuff about me?







Hey….. And if you really, really feel like getting off the couch… and I mean, DO NOT HURT YOURSELF…. I would totally and completely understand if ya don’t feel like moving—but if you want…. Get up and walk like as slow as you want… to your computer & email me! My email address is &… if you have AOL Instant Messenger… by the way… an extremely awesome feature… IM me! My screen name is Comly0821! Thanks for visiting my website! I hope I’ve helped you out!




And by the way…..PARENTS! Whoever got the idea to get together and made you’re little “Let’s not let our kids be couch-potatoes because we’re mean” club---------You better think twice about it because being a couch potato isn’t a hobby……….IT’S A WAY OF LIFE!!!!!!!

Thank you for your time!





By: Sarah Comly