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Well, you wanted a long email, so I thought I might make it a little more interesting, since you thought what I did for my Aaron was sweet. That took a few days though, and I only have ONE night.

See, that's Me.. I'm your little blonde mermaid who needs rescuing, right?

Or maybe your little private dancer?

I can be Whatever you want me to be:


Sweet and Innocent,



It's really up to you... Anyways..

I hope you're doing good.. I still can't get over us two; all that we have in common with our relationship troubles. I suppose that's a really good sign then; that way we completely understand eachother and possibly can help. I hope it's helping us out personally by trying to find ourselves and not doing any damage because I really enjoy talking to you and enjoy our conversations. It's weird because you are so far away but I kind of feel some sort of connection with you; you know? Or am I the only one and am just going to sound like an ass when you read this? hehe.. It's all good I suppose.

Anyways, on a whole different note, I am kind of scared, kind of excited about this Saturday (my birthday). I'm scared because, well.. obviously- if I'm right I have at least a hundred worries going through my head "is he the one?" "can I do better?" "am I ready?" "how do I really feel?"... I almost feel too young too- I don't know. Then on the other hand, I can't really picture myself without him. I mean, sure I wonder - like you and I talked about wondering what it would be like to be with someone else, if we could feel this way with another person, but I honestly can not picture him out of my life; and that's a good thing, right? Maybe I'm being really stupid and just want the ring? I feel horrible saying that, but sometimes I think maybe I am? Anyways, you don't have to worry about me hun, just keep talking to me, making me smile, making me feel good and everything's fine.

Now, what else? Let's see.. I wonder if you're working tomorrow/today? You never mentioned it, so I assume you must have one day off before going back to work? I have to work tomorrow/today and I'm really not looking forward to it. I'm sick of working 6 days a week, I just want a vacation or something. I'm also tired of not knowing what I'm going to do come september, it's really frustrating. I guess you'll be going back to school and I'll hardly talk to you! That sucks.. you better find ways to talk to me mister! You know you enjoy it. Come on, I've gotten you to admit before that you like me. So blah *sticks out tongue*. hehe... com'on, I know you think I'm cute.

haha, I dont know what that all was about, don't mind me. What are you doing today? Oh yea.. I guess you'll be seeing Tabitha, and everything, I'm sure that'll feel great after missing her and not seeing her for so long- that always feels good. The heart grows fonder.. as they say.

Not that you need to know this, but, my bum is going numb.. lol. You left like an hour and a half ago and I'm still doing this. See.. look at me, all this just to make you smile, and I hope it works. You happy means me happy. Deal? Great..

And Here's A Wierd Bird..

lol.. I had to throw something in there babe.

And here's something else...

Be my Tarzan? ;) lol
That is sooooo cute, I love that one :)

I almost had a heartattack.. I thought I lost all of this! All my hardwork (and trust me it is- I'm doing this all with HTML- and I barely know HTML so hah! lol). I hope this at least makes you smile just a tiny weeeeny little bit. Com'on, you can do it.

Oh yea, can I ask you a favor? Can you send me my picture of my dog back? I don't have it on this computer and I want to do something with it for my mom.. Thank yas!

Who's this Hottie that I would love for my lips to graze over? Sheesh, I just wished he lived around here.. he is so attractive... yummy... Yet, down-to-earth. But he's not smiling. Why isn't he smiling? He better be smiling now. I bet I could make him smile a lot. I bet I could do a lot more to him than just make him smile. I bet I could make him.... oh no, I better hush up, a child might find this site ;) . hehe.... My dreamcatcher.

And who's this chica? Just sitting there.. chilling. But she's not smiling either. Maybe if we put these two non-smiling amigos together, they'd smile a lot more... hmmmm interesting analogy. ;)

Anyways, sweetie, it's 3:30 which means I've been doing this for over 2 hours- nothing but this, and I am really really tired, so I'm heading to bed. I will talk to you soon, and until then, be happy hun :).