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The weird, the whacky and the just plain crazy things Crowe People do to amuse themselves during quiet news-free times.

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The strange surreal world of Andrea.  Not for the mentally unablanced

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This just in to the Pittsburgh Blabber:

Last Tuesday night, whilst strolling innocently about East Sydney looking for restaurants as possible sporting venues, Russpunzel Crowe was viciously assaulted by an entire hill of street ants. The ants had lain in wait behind a lightpole for a suitably hairy victim. Jumping out, they began their relentless climb up his trouser leg. Their ultimate destination is still unknown at this time. One can only surmise...and shudder. Russpunzel, being in a pleasant mood in the midst of ant-repelling activities (???), smiled and spoke quietly to a local autograph-seeker, even blushing at his lack of ink. Yes, marriage has changed the former Oscar-winning bad boy into...well...Ron Howard. The two men, already having made A Beautiful Mind together, are becoming so alike in personal outlook and behaviour that they are teaming once again on Cinderella Man, the tender tale of a misunderstood stepson who finds true love in the arms of Princess Charming. Russpunzel has remarked that he is especially pleased to be sharing screen time with adorable, clothed mice and hopes that not far in his future he will be given the opportunity of making cinematic history with Mary Kate and Ashley Olson as his co-stars.


Just in to the Pittsburgh Blabber:
This reporter learned  today that 5 US NAVY vessels with a mere 6400 Marines aboard were in grave danger as they attempted to enter Sydney Harbour. It was a good thing that harbour security, including the secret pelican patrol birds, were so alert or there could have been grave consequences. Bad Boy restaurant-destroyer Russell Crowe was out and about the harbour, doubtlessly checking out possible future locations for further mayhem. Placing his kayak deliberately and directly in the path of the 5 warships, he nearly brought the United States and Australia to the brink of ...well... hostilities. Much confusion ensued when a rookie member of the secret pelican patrol birds roosted on the prow of his kayak and attempted to question the Gladiator star. The pelican, having only recently been transferred from duty in the center of the Antarctic continent, thought the kayak paddler was none other than Eric Bana. Fearing that the paddler would be enraged at being interrogated
and become large and green, the pelican agent attempted to handcuff him on the spot. Subsequently, the lookout
aboard the closest of the 5 large Naval vessels was never able to determine just what had caused the greasy spot
that suddenly appeared just above the waterline of his ship. After 30 minutes spent in a breathless standoff between Russell's kayak and the 5 Naval vessels, the vessels knew they had met their match, reversed engines, and backed out of the harbour.

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Which is the real Jo? A woman of so many facades. We reveal the true Jo for once and for all.

Jo's elegant facade. Hoping to ensnare Russell.

Jo's devious attempt at capturing Maximus by using her Roman Facade

In a sneaky attempt to take Maximus away from Juditha the Amazing Amazon woman, Jo even adopts a bridge facade in the hopes of causing Judith to mistake this Jo facade for a bridge and thereby fall from a great height.


The evil Jo lurks menacingly, machine gun in hand while the brave and noble Juditha, Amazon woman
upon encountering a panic stricken Terry on the rope bridge  puts a bag over his head to stop him
looking down and while balancing precariously she attempts  leads him to safety.
Will she succeed or will the evil Jo prevail?


Which Peep had her worst fears come to life when she was stuffed into a basket? 
Peepworld was there and brings you this exclusive photo.

"I never thought this would happen to me" whined BPM who asked that her full name be witheld for psychiatric reasons. 
*Baby-faced* BPM did a royal* dummy* spit about being unceremoniously bundled into the said wicker receptacle. 

Witnesses describe the perpetrator as being festooned with seaweed and carrying an aaddvark under one arm. 




Raspberry pie party!!

Lucilla/Alice/Chelsea/(insert name of the day here) that well known multiple personality about town will be hosting a raspberry pie party at her spacious mansion in tropical downtown Tierra del Fuego very soon.  This is expected to be the social soiree of the season and is an occasion not to be missed. 

Lucilla's magnificent mansion. Such salubrious surroundings  soon to be put on the market. Note the wonderful panoramic views from each and every room. 


Lucilla in her luxuriously appointed modern kitchen, excitedly makes preparation for the upcoming event.
Or has the Prozac kicked in?

Typically tropical day in Tierra del Fuego.
As you can see in this photo, cruise ships regularly call into port to take advantage of the fabulous shopping bargains.



It is with regret and saddened hearts we report that conflict has reared its ugly head on the list.  Lucilla and Judy are at odds with each other over proprietorship of Maximus..  It is feared that this skirmish may escalate into full scale conflict at any time.

The peeps look on aghast as Judy and Lucilla square off over Maximus.  

Appalled at such unseemly behaviour, Maximus vows that neither shall have him and goes into a witness protection program where he is assumes a low profile.


Route map to Tierra del Fuego for intrepid trekkers.

Because of budget constraints I know many of you are contemplating making the trip to Tierra Del Fuego overland.  So using the latest computer generated satellite technology, here is a detailed route map for those going overland.