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Welcome to my home page. Here you will find different things to do and see. I am just getting started on this so I dont have a whole lot here for now. My name is Lisa and working on my pages is what I like to do but I dont have a whole lot of time to do it cause I am really busy. But I will try to get some more on here really soon. Hope you enjoy your stay and come back often to see what I have done and added to my site. Thanks Lisa.:-)

Adopted Blinkies

There is some nudity on the applets page.

Backgrounds By Lisa

My Tubes


Valentine Poem To My Husband

I got this bkgd set from the link below. Please go to her site and take a look around a bit. She has some wonderful things there.I got the sig tag from there to. I just had to put it on my page cause I thought it was so pretty.:-)

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