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Welcome to the Neo.Crazy Website! We hope you enjoy being a member here and we look forward to meeting you on the Message Boards.

We have of contests and activities for you to take part in such as the Faerie Quests, better than you, Caught ya red handed and so much more!

We have lots of ways to earn neopoints and prizes, i garuntee you you'll at least receive 3 in your time at the guild. Make sure to check the rules page of the website, it's once of the msot important!
Contests: We currently have 19! woohoo!
Guild Events: We have 7! One for each day of the week, enjoy!
Jobs: We have 10 jobs! you must be at least a neolearner before you take one on however. to find out how to become one go to the jobs section of the website! get paid!!!! o.O

I as the guild leader want to give you a big thanks for joining the guild! we have tons of activiies to keep you occupied. Right here i'll put personal updates, as well as website updates. Once again thanks for joining!

Peoples Guild and Exchange points will be posted up here, but until we have members with points, it'll just remain empty :(