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4 mY BoNg ChaNtHrY ____<3 YoUr OuN sReY SOUSDEY


Dearest Chanthry,
This homepage is dedicated
to you. I made it juss for us bong.
i kno it ain't all dat but at least I tried rite?
I juss want you to kno how
much u mean to me...
first of're da only one
dat can cheer me up if
i'm feelin down..and ur da only
one dat putz a bigazz smile
on mah face..ur da only one
dat has made me sOoO damn
happy! i'm forrealz hunnie...i neva felt diz
way before..and u already kno
dat! many thingz to say to u
but i juss can't find da rite
wordz to say to i'm
juss waitin til we can be togetha
to show u how much I really care about my baby boi:
In every lil thing I du..i'm alwayz
havin you on my mind babe
no matter wat it is...and no
matter how bizzie i am. i can't get
you outta my head! but I
don't want u out. ehehe..y should
I NOT want to think of da person
dat came into my life and
changed everything?! You see..before
we got togetha..I neva thought
that I could eva love again.
I was so broken hearted and didn't
want to have n e thing to do wit
guyz n e more. i hated everything about
love. everywhere i went there were couplez out there..chillin or wateva
and I'd b like..they're wastin
their time on each otha..and laff.
But wat du u expect?! I was pissed..
but i act as if everything'z koo
but it wasn't. I cried myself to
sleep every nite..wonderin if I
was meant to b alone for
da rest of my life. I kno
dat i'm young n everything...but I
be thinkin about these kinda tingz.
I kno pplz mah age don't usually care
about committment..but I do..and
I wanted someone who I can spend every day of my life with.
But I thought to myself "Girl you're
juss ain't gunna find him."

So..I guess you can say..I kinda stopped
searchin for da rite guy for me.
Cuz rite then n there..all guyz were
da same to me. EVERY ONE OF EM..
but then..I found you..and I
got to kno u better n started to like
you. Then out of nowhere..a smile came
upon my face..and da next minute
I fell head over heelz for u.
I wanted you..I needed you..and now...
I have you. And I won't let you get
away. You mean too much to me.
I won't leave you for a stupidazz reason.
Even though we're far apart bong..I'm
still gunna b here waitin for u.
No matter how long it takez..cuz..
I kno dat wen we're finally together..
everything will be so right..damn bong!
I think you put a spell on me! lmao. forrealz..
I kno I've told you all of this over and over but it's becuz I can't get enuff of you!
Our love has to be really strong if
we wanna b together for a long time..but I kno dat our love couldn't b stronger than it already is..I have faith in us babe and
I kno dat you do too. and datz
why everything iz goin pretty good
so far. I kno dat we mite have problemz
later on in the future..but we'll workeheheh..No matter wat type of situation it is..we have to
get thru it...TOGETHER
all couplez have fitez n ish...
and we kno dat. but we can't let
those timez change da feelingz
dat we have for each other rite?!
I kno we're not at that point yet..
but trust me..we will someday.
I'm not sayin I wanna argue wit ya
..but I kno it will happen. I'm not
worried about dat tho don't trip
All we gotta concentrate on rite now iz
keepin in touch wit one another..bein
faithful and honest to one another..
and of course..lovin and caring for
each other. We juss gotta keep on doin
wat we're duin rite now. but yea..
I'm sOo krayzie about u..I wake
up every morning wit u on my mind..
GODDAMN I'm sprung. lmao. I don't care.. Ima admit it..I'm
SPRUNG off of mah sexyazz bong CHANTHRY!
ain't no lie..wat?! u got a problem
wit dat? come c me then niCKa!
ahhaha. forrealz tho..everything I du..
it'z all for u baby. u my one
and only..for all timez... dun get no betta! lmao
iono..I'm juss bumpin dat song rite now
yupz..Well baby..I hope u like diz page
and everything else dat I did on diz site.
Ima end it rite here. Sorry dat itz
sOOOOOoOoOo damn short! ahahhaha..
MUAHZZZZ iloveuiloveuiloveu!
I MISS U BONG!! 143637

LoVe yOuR WiFeY:


-->MaIn PaGe<--

