Hello there... this is my web thingy for my pets becuz they are sooo special.. Right now i have poopie aka titus.. there are alot of him cuz hes soo cool :) :) :) :) :) well.. i used to do websites.. i also had my own .com website.. so i might get back into the graphics and layouts, etc. well this is my first day making this page (May. 14, 03.) so its under construction..

the pets i have are 3 dogs, 1 turtle, 2 differnt kinds of geckos, 2 cats (3 but kaos died 2001 or 2002...), fishies, and my hamster SPICEY.... hahahaha ya his name is spice not remembering my freind *cought*ciba*cough* has a dog named that.. but his name basicly is hunney so i guess im aight..... I plan to put..Dukers, Stinky, maybe turtle, maybe kittys, and spice.

Well here is my starting list>>>>>

Poopie aka titus (part chihuaha but doesnt look like it)