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Welcome To Anna's

Funky Friends

Hello there if you haven’t already figured out this my web page.  Its full of stories and some pictures.  There is also talk about the ball already.  Also the big seven man skiing effort.


The Central Southland Ball is all organised.  The ball date is set for the 13th June.  Yes that’s right black Friday. There are bookings for the two limos that we are taking.  Then for the meal out we are of to the Tin Shed at the White House.  In total there is 14 people.  No one knows where the after ball is yet but no so it is a surprise.  Only those onthe ball committee knows and can't tell any one.  This will be a fun event where anyone can come if they buy tickets. No doubt people will have alcoholic beverages lets hope everyone is safe.



People and their partners:

Shari McEwing - Kieran Drake

Ranee Dickson - Mathew Smith

Haley McPherson - Shane Johns

Hayley McMath - Scott Walker

Nicola Butcher - Ryan Hughs

Me (Anna Sinclair) - Bevan Jamison.


Already people have their patterns for their dresses and their styles organised.  Some arrangements have been made for the hair and make-up for the day.

Link to a ball dress site-







This seven man skiing took place on the 1 st January.  This was quiet an achievement.  It took place behind our boat in Lake Wakatipu.  It was at the Kingston end of the lake.  We lasted one full lap.  People were all along the beach cheering and yelling.  The crowd was amazed.  It was a grate experience and can’t wait for the next time.