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Hey,I am going to say hey to all of my friends at Twin Valley. Seveina-I couln't ask for a better friend than you.Don't change for anyone and good luck in life with Andrew. Ashley-You are a very good friend and i know that we always don't agree but it works out some way.Dont' change Ashton-you're a great friend and I hope that everything goes good with you and Tyler. Don't change.PURPLE,YELLOW,NEON GREEN, CHERRY!!!!! Tyler-You are very weird sometimes but other than that you are kool.NEON GREEN!! Erica-What can i say we have had some good times.Don't change for nobody except for Randy, and don't pick up nobodys cake by your hand no more. Ethan-You are a great friend and i hope that you never change.PURPLE,YELLOW,CHERRY!!!!! Scott-You're funny but you are aggrevating sometimes. To the people that I forgot-- WAZZZZZUP!?! OK! After all of that is said and done I am going to tell you a little bit about me. I go to twin valley middle school. My best friends are Seveina Price, Ashley Dotson, and Ashton Halsey. Everyone tells me that when I do this weird face I look like a monkey. When I get home in the evening times I eat, do my homework, get on the computer and go to bed. My life is very interesting. Don't forget to email me!!
