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Watch as he changes and mutates into
...a freakshow twiztid serial killing jugglao!!
Scene~ In what seemed to be the end of an enormous problem, it soon became bigger than it was. Lil Poot had found and bribed Bones about of jail after some much needed bargaining with the police officers, although it meant giving up some extra tickets, which hurt. But that was not the only way they were hurt. Earlier, when they were at a restaurant, McDonalds, as they call it, they seemed to have lost their Lincoln (their car, not their penny). The whereabouts of the car were unconfirmed, and The Dark Carnival figured it was stolen. But who would steal the totaled, rented, Lincoln? During the space between the two.. chronicles.. a list has been put together, and every member on the list has something to be accused of. Or.. have a reason to be a suspect..

The Story Continues:

The cloudy sky plays no role today as Lil Poot, a.k.a. the tag team champion, with Bones, Loki and Lexi have brought with them an umbrella, just in case, in their quest for their car, in.. The Lincoln Crisis.

After Noon:

Lil Poot, Bones, Loki, and Lexi find themselves outside a familiar place. McDonalds. Scene of the crime. The last place the rented car was scene, now only an empty parking space. The three scour the scene, looking for clues that could lead to the whereabouts of their car, although after a few days the scene is somewhat altered, but they overlook that fact and keep searching for anything that could lead them any closer to cracking.. The Lincoln Crisis. Bones investigates some dropped french fries by putting them to the taste test, Lexi and Loki searches for tire marks they might be able to tell which direction the car went, or a leak of some kind they might be able to follow. Lil Poot checks for footprints, or anything incriminating the culprit may have dropped or something along those lines during the course of committing the crime.

Bones: WOW! THIS IS JUST LIKE CSI! Searching the scene... looking for clues.. oh here’s a good one!

Lil Poot: A CLUE!?

Bones: No a fry.

Lil Poot: Oh... Bones, I told you, alert me if you find a clue to where the car could’ve gone! Otherwise, I don’t really care.

Bones: Righty-O cap’n! I’ll keep digging! Hey.. some gum...

Poot: Don’t touch it Bones... that’s just gross...

Lil Poot turns back to his work of examining the pavement as Lexi wanders off to the edge parking space, where the car was parked up against a small wall, which on the other side contained some bushes and trees. She peers over the side and gasps! She quickly calls Poot to the spot, where he appears moments later and looks to where she is pointing. FOOTPRINTS IN THE DIRT!

Poot:Lexi! You found something! The culprit must’ve come through there!

Bones: We have a real clue? Darn.. does that mean we have to go on the chase, no more fries?

Poot: Oh, stop pretending to be a seagull and do your job Bones, come look at this! Footprints.. coming toward where the car was.. uh huh... yes... exactly.. So, we follow the footsteps to find WHERE the criminal came from, and probably where he went back to with the car! Lets check around here, maybe we’ll pick up anoth- A HA! Look at this!

Loki comes walking over and he along with lexi peer over to where Poot is bending down on the other side of the fence, where he has jumped over and positioned himself. He holds up what appears to be a gum wrapper.

Loki: A gum wrapper huh.. so he was chewing gum as he stole the car! That doesn’t help in the least!

Poot: Oh, but it does! Bones! Quickly, where was that gum you found a minute ago?

Bones: Oh.. right over there kind of stuck to the sidewalk.

Poot: Get it! We’ll test it and see if its the same type as this wrapper!

Bones dashes over to the gum he found stuck to the asphalt earlier and peels it up, turns it around in his hand, and then shoves it into his mouth as Lexi looks away and her body and head shake as if she is going to throw up. Bones chews for a minute, then pulls it out of his mouth with a verdict.

Bones: Trident. Gotta be. I’d know Trident anywhere.

Poot: Nice work Chubbs, this is a Trident wrapper! there must be a connection! But how.. lets think.. Trident gum.. shoe tracks coming towards the car.. there must be something I’m missing...But what..

Lexi: Maybe the fact that foot prints and Trident gum aren’t really much to go off of?

Lil POot: EXACTLY! Which means, we must follow these tracks backwards, see where it leads, and see if we can’t find some more Trident gum to lead us in the right direction! My theory is, we’ve got a gum chewer on our hands. We find a wrapper five feet from where the same kind of gum is spit out, who spits their gum out after five seconds of chewing?

Loki: Who spits their gum out!?

Lexi: You swallow your gum? Loki: Why not.. its food isn’t it...

Lexi: It’ll like.. stay in your stomach for seven years or something like that..

Loki: Really!? Woa I must have like a colony going on in there or something..

Bones: Damn Loki, I dont even do that shit. Thats just nasty.

Poot: Silence! I’m not finished with my theory! Now, the old riddle, how much gum could a gum chewer chew if a gum chewer could chew gum! A LOT! He was tired of his old piece so he opens a new one, spits the old one out and puts a new one in! That means there is more gum around here and more wrappers. We can follow the path back this way, finding the gum along the way, to lead us to the suspects hide out.

Bones: By jove, its brilliant!

Poot: By jove?

Bones: I dunno.. saw it in a movie once.. figured this was the opportune time to say it..

Poot: Right. So, this is the plan. Lexi and I will move forward... er.. backwards.. following the footprints and gum. Loki and Bones, you will stay here at the McDonalds-

Bones and Loki: SWEET!

Poot: -to make sure the suspect doesn’t return to the scene of the crime.

Bones: Yes sir! I’ll also make sure no french fry goes uneaten, and every hamburger in the place meets its maker... er. actually.. my stomach.. but.. you know.. what I mean..

Poot: Okay! Break! Screen 16! Scree- oh.. I mean.. lets move out, good luck Loki, and try to keep him outta Mc Donalds, ever since he got off of his diet hes really been eating a lot of junk.

Lil Poot and Lexi part ways with Bones and Loki as Lexi hops over the fence with some aid from Poot, and Loki and Bones heads for the doors to the McDonalds.

Gas Station: After following the tracks through the bushes and assuming they came from across the street, Poot and Lexi find themselves at a gas station. They start searching the scene for gum wrappers specifically, although Poot points out he would’ve been in the middle of a chewing session at this point, and they would find gum at a different point, but there must be a clue at a gas station. They decide to move into the AM/PMesque store and check it out. They go inside and start walking down the aisles, checking the floor, checking the shelves, looking for trace of something when the cashier notices them.

Cashier: Uh.. can I help you?

Poot looks up at the man and thinks for a minute, and then decides he might be of use.

Poot: You might be able to.. you just might be able to.. Have you had any.. suspicious looking patrons come through here in the last couple days?

Cashier: Huh?

Poot: Any suspicious looking people been in here in the last couple of days!?

Cashier: Oh yeah, suspicious looking figure, definitely. Dressed in all black, ski mask on, black gloves, black boots, sunglasses over his eyes too.

Poot: REALLY!? SKI MASK! How could he spit his gum o-

Cashier: DUDE! I’m being sarcastic! Have any suspicious looking people been in here!? How should I know! What is suspicious!? White face with black lipstick? Ski Mask? Dark sunglasses and black suit?

Lexi: Was this guy your describing chewing gum?


Poot: Right, I’ll have a hotdog.

Cashier: two dollars please.

Poot: FOR A HOT DOG!? How much is your gas then? Five bucks a gallon!? Good thing I’m on foot and don’t need to buy gas.. WAIT A MINUTE! He was on foot, why would he stop at a gas station!? Of course.. he didn’t! He walked PAST it..

Poot grabs the hot dog and rushes off with Lexi outside. The Cashier holds his change in his hand, and then shrugs and pockets it. Outside, Poot looks around and then starts off to the right around the gas station, and down the street on the sidewalk,Lexi looking down for clues. As they walk she grabs Poot’s arm to stop him and points down.

Lexi: Clue?

Poot picks it up and examines the specimen.

Poot: Looks like.. part of the sole or something of a shoe.. which means.. this could be the suspect! His shoes, I’m betting Adidas if they were starting to fall apart like that.. don’t have the expert craftsmanship and all that good stuff Nike has in their shoes.. His shoes were falling apart! He needed a car! He walks down the street to the gas station, and spots the car across the street, and goes for it. A HA! Look at this! This is part of the sole all right, look at the piece of gum on the bottom. If it was analyzed, I bet my life its Trident!

Lexi: Your not bad at this detective stuff you know.. If you ever retire, consider becoming a private investigator. Of course, maybe you’re way off and we just don’t know it yet. So far though, its been quite impressive.Im a little scared Lil Poot actually thinking here. Man! Poot: Why thank you Watson.. er.. Lexi. Lexi: WATSON!? Why can’t I be Sharona?

Poot: Who’s Sharona?

Lexi: The girl from “Monk”.

Poot: Never heard of her. Now, quickly, to the Batmobile! Er.. to the stolen Lincoln, wherever it is! We’re getting close.. I can feel it. Lets see.. We’ll keep going down this street, my instincts tell me its down this way.

Lil Poot and Lexi continue down the sidewalk, looking around for anything suspicious. They turn down another street as Poot figures he had to turn a corner at least once, and they walk down until they come to a little path that cuts through the block halfway to the gas station. Poot decides they need to turn around and that somewhere between the path and the street is where they are looking for, because if the suspect lived on the other side of the path, he would’ve just taken it instead. Lexi agrees with this, and so they start looking between the street and the path. They stand around in one particular area a minute to long, and a man comes out to find out what they’re doing.

Man: Hey.. uh.. whats going on? Lose something?

Poot: Yes, in fact I have. My car. Why, have you seen it?

Man: Lost your car? Well I wouldn’t be looking in the cracks of the sidewalk if I was you buddy, but that’s just me. Maybe you got one of those Mini Coopers or something...

Poot: No, actually its a slightly beat up Lincoln. Seen it?

Man: Slightly beat up.. well I saw a totaled black Lincoln a couple days ago...


Man: Go ask them across the street.

The man points across the street and Poot and LExi dart across the street and burst through the door where a man with excruciatingly poor personal hygiene sits behind a counter with a computer. Lexi looks like she is about to throw up again and quickly runs back outside.Poot goes up to the counter and stares at the man.

Poot: I got an anonymous tip that a black Lincoln was seen coming in here the other day, you know anything about it... Frank?

Frank: Black Lincoln.. I can check for you if you want..

“Frank” gets on his computer and types in some commands, and then, with some swift clicks of the mouse, finds the answer.

Frank: Yeah, Black Lincoln came in a couple days ago, not really in good shape, yours?

Poot: SO! You are the one that took my car. And you have a computer catalog with all the other cars you’ve taken huh!? Well I’m shutting this operation down RIGHT NOW!

Frank: Uh.. yeah we have a lot of cars here, this is the impound man. That’s what we do.

Poot looks a little confused/stunned for a moment, and then a whole new set of questions comes to mind.


Frank: It got towed for parking in a handicapped space.

Poot: WHAT!? I DIDN’T... well.. oh.. wait, do those little wheel chair things mean handicapped space?

Frank: Yeah man, they do.

Poot: Ah.. of course.. I see.. Well uh, I’ll just be having my car back now... Why don’t you just hand me over the keys..

Frank: You realize there’s a fee right?

Poot grumbles and reaches into his pocket, finds nothing, and goes outside to get some money from Lexi. She gives him her purse, and he goes back inside and pays Frank, and then is lead to where his car is. After some probably unneeded hassle, Poot gets the beat up Lincoln back and pulls it around to pick up Lexi. She gets in and they head back to McDonalds, where Bones and Loki has someone slammed down on the hood of a car in the parking space next to the one they had been searching. Poot and LExi get out to find Bones holding an old lady with her arm behind her back screaming “UNCLE! UNCLE!”

Lexi: Bones! What are you doing?

Loki: The suspect always returns to the scene of the crime Poot! I’ve been holding her here for you! Pulled right into the parking space NEXT to ours, to try to throw us off, but it didn’t fool me! Look at what she’s driving, A LINCOLN! Except she got it fixed and got it repainted, trying to fool us! NOT WORKING! SAY UNCLE GRANNY!

Poot: Bones! Okay, we’re here, release her! Loki dont play detective anymore alright.

Loki: Are we gonna take the car from her Poot!? Since its ours! Hey.. look, a beat up black Lincoln, right next to us.. wouldn’t you know it..

Poot: We found the car guys, let the old woman go.

Bones releases the old woman, who runs off screaming bloody murder, not that anyone around cares, as Loki looks a little sheepishly towards Poot, who nods him to get into the car.

Lexi: Lets get back to the arena we got matches to prepare for.

Bones: Yea we do

Poot hits the car into gear and the tires go squeeling out of the parking lot as the scene fades .::*End of Roleplay*::.